I have heard or rather came across this posting on the U2 forums saying that Legend are reviving their XMP design for U2.
This is what Mark Rein from Epic said:
"Lack of multiplayer is a temporary issue with Unreal2.
Legend are currently reviving their XMP design for mulitplayer and it will
be released as a FREE downloadable add-on for people who own Unreal2."
See: http://www.ataricommunity.com/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=304763
Does this mean that Legend are no longer doing an Expansion for U2 or an Unreal 3?
Somebody mentioned to me by email that they read in a magazine that Atari/Legend were working on UT2004! I thought that Epic and Digital extremes working on this? As if there isn't enough UT's already around - why go over old ground again. And - for the love of god - why on earth would Legend want to work on this?
I've heard and so have other people heard rumours in the past that Legend were working on or planning an Unreal 3 (or whatever the sequel is called) were the story continues exactly were Unreal 2 left it. Lets hope that is still true. Lets hope the sequel is in Legend's hands
With U2, they covered new ground in how these sort of games are made.
So anyone know the skinny on all of this?
I don't want footsteps following me...