I'm assuming this got deleted because I didn't specify DBP?
You can zoom in on a tilemap, sprites are resized and repositioned accordingly. It always zooms towards the center of the map, not a specific point. I might try working on that later. You could potentially use this to zoom in on an RTS map with some form of LOD or something, I don't know.
In this demo, use the mouse to move the starting point of the tilemap and the up/down keys to zoom.
type ImageScaleProperties
sprt as integer
originalWidth as integer
originalHeight as integer
originalX as integer
originalY as integer
scale as float
img as integer
load image "c:\clouds.jpg", 1
rem setup a tile map
global mapWidth = 2
global mapHeight = 2
global mapOffsetX = 0
global mapOffsetY = 0
dim map(mapWidth, mapHeight) as ImageScaleProperties
tileWidth = 128
tileHeight = 128
rem set default map properties for each scalable tile
s = 0
for y = 0 to mapHeight-1
for x = 0 to mapWidth-1
inc s,1
map(x,y).sprt = s
map(x,y).scale = 1.0
map(x,y).originalWidth = tileWidth
map(x,y).originalHeight = tileHeight
map(x,y).originalX = x*tileWidth
map(x,y).originalY = y*tileHeight
map(x,y).img = 1
sprite s, mapOffsetX+map(x,y).originalX, mapOffsetY+map(x,y).originalY, map(x,y).img
next x
next y
sync on
sync rate 60
if mousemovex() or mousemovey()
mapOffsetX = mousex()
mapOffsetY = mousey()
for y = 0 to mapHeight-1
for x = 0 to mapWidth-1
gosub _resizeSprite
next x
next y
if upkey()
for y = 0 to mapHeight-1
for x = 0 to mapWidth-1
map(x,y).scale = map(x,y).scale + 0.01
gosub _resizeSprite
next x
next y
if downkey()
for y = 0 to mapHeight-1
for x = 0 to mapWidth-1
map(x,y).scale = map(x,y).scale - 0.01
gosub _resizeSprite
next x
next y
w# = map(x,y).originalWidth
w# = w# * map(x,y).scale
h# = map(x,y).originalHeight
h# = h# * map(x,y).scale
size sprite map(x,y).sprt, w#, h#
wx# = (w#*mapWidth - map(x,y).originalWidth*mapWidth)/2
hy# = (h#*mapHeight - map(x,y).originalHeight*mapHeight)/2
offX = x*map(x,y).originalWidth * map(x,y).scale - wx#
offY = y*map(x,y).originalHeight * map(x,y).scale - hy#
sprite map(x,y).sprt, mapOffsetX+offX, mapOffsetY+offY, map(x,y).img