This code used to work in 6.8 (it should produce yellow text on a gray background)... but in 6.9, the text color stays black :/
Anyone else seeing strange things happening with BlueGUI under DBPro 6.9?
global guiEditFont as integer
guiEditFont=createFont("Arial", 14, 0, 0, 0)
guiReceivedChat$ = "Test Text. Test Text. Test Text. Test Text. Test Text. Test Text. Test Text."
hndl = createRichEdit(5, 5, 200, 200,0)
rem next command only sets the background color
rem which is normal for a richEdit
setGadgetColor hndl, rgb(128,128,128), rgb(255,255,0)
setWordWrapMode hndl, 1 :rem this works
applyFont hndl, guiEditFont :rem this works
rem next command is the standard way of setting
rem the font color (and should set font type too
rem but now it doesn't do that either, which is
rem why I'm using applyFont)
setSelFont hndl, guiEditFont, rgb(255,255,0): rem now this doesn't work
setGadgetText hndl, guiReceivedChat$
rem at this point the font type, style, and size are correct
rem but the font color is not