What i originally planned to make was a theremin, and that's what i did. I found some good schematics for building a theremin and i bought a soldering iron, the parts, solder, wires and everything. I probably spent about 10 hours, posibly more in making this thing, and in the end.. it didnt work! All it does is give short bursts of click noises. and if i slide the controller in the front of it gives different clicks.. yeah, great.
You might think i'd give up working on this since it doesnt work and there are over 75 wire connections and 32 parts but in my desperation of trying to get any sound from it i decided to connect it to my mixer, turned the "theremin" on, and recorded whatever sound i could make in it. I'm going to skip telling about all the testing i did in this since it was ALOT, but in the end i found out the short clicks of noise were actually very very cool Waveforms i could load up in the 3xOsc synth (or any synth that can load .wav waveforms) and play like i might do with any wave. And when i say cool, i mean it makes actual sounds, not noises.
This is just great! I've got this little mystery machine that can generate wave's to use! This actually widens the range of what i can do in the 3xOsc, because now i have more than 6 different wave choises! So yes, i think i can call this an Analog synth
since it does make a sound.. just one that plays really really fast and sounds like a noise unless i cut the noise short and get it into the 3xOsc so it sounds like.. well, not noise
Here are some pictures! I took the pictures after i put it into the box, and taped the box tight, so now i cant get into it
Dramatic side view:
Back: (notice it kinda looks like somehow it should be able to open, well, it is, there's a screw inside there i would be able to turn to change the pitch* (*That is of course if the theremin worked properly))
Edit(Attached a better example)
Attached : A sample of a waveform i recorded, used in the 3xOsc with a melody and effects and everything, very cool
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