@ Aaron Miller:
No rush, I can wait as long as it takes.
@ Accoun:
Really? Wow, thanks for the heads up! Don't wanna get sued for everything I have... (which is nothing.)
@ flickenmaste: what kind of error? I can't help you unless I have more info.
However, here are a few possible problems:
The song is not in the .MP3 format. The demo will only accept MP3s
The note chart is not in the .TXT format. The demo will only accept .TXTs.
The note chart is too long. I did notice that when I tried to do an outrageously long song, it wouldn't work. I will fix this in the final version, but it may be your problem.
You didn't put the files in the correct directory. The song must me in the "Songs" folder, and the note chart must be in the "note files" folder.
You typed in the file path. You are only supposed to type in the file name(AND have the files in the correct folsders). For example, "my_song.mp3" and "My_song.txt". Do NOT type in the file path.
Other than that, I can't tell you the problem until I get more information.
If the good lord had intended us to go outside or have a social life, he wouldn't have invented the internet.