that was fun machines having a go slow day.
Right how Selet works here some code.
set cursor 0,0
SmallIntegerVariable = rnd(3)
Print "SmallIntegerVariable=";SmallIntegerVariable
SELECT SmallIntegerVariable
CASE 1 : print "Hello A" : ENDCASE
CASE 2 : print "Hello B" : ENDCASE
CASE 3 : print "Hello C" : ENDCASE
CASE DEFAULT : print "Hello Anything Else" : ENDCASE
wait 1000
inside the do loop there is a variable named SmallIntegerVariable which has an random value put in it from 0 to 3.
now if SmallIntegerVariable = 1 the the words hello A will be printed to the screen for 2 hello B and for 3 hello C, if the value is 0 then Hello Anything Else gets printed.
set cursor 0,0
input "input one letter form a to d :";SmallIntegerVariable$
Print "SmallIntegerVariable=";SmallIntegerVariable$
SELECT SmallIntegerVariable$
CASE "a" : print "Hello A" : ENDCASE
CASE "b" : print "Hello B" : ENDCASE
CASE "c" : print "Hello C" : ENDCASE
CASE DEFAULT : print "Hello Anything Else" : ENDCASE
wait 1000
same again but now using letters you could had monday and as long as the input is the same as the checking answer then it will pass.
play with the above and see how you get on.
Dark Physics makes any hot drink go cold.