NewBIE a meantXDDD aye, i tried a book^^ it went out very good
except that i need to learn how to texxture it... though, first of MODELLING then texturing^^ cant learn all at the same timeXD still, it would be fun to make something not to originally^^ like a book or house... nothing like that^^ more funny things^^ that is easy
okey, right now, iam bored... soon going too sleep^^ so iam going 'round and... taking pictures in my room of things like... my hand, cards, hair brushes, books, CDs, aso XD lol.... XD still i want your pics to help me=)
aye, i have imaginationXD but, a limited one, and when it comes to things iam not sure 'bout how it works, iam not too imaginaryXD but when, writing a story or things like that i have a HUUUUUUGE imaginaryXD
Quik, Quiker than most