Or...take an image of text and use it with a new sprite(one with a higher z-priority than its bg counter part).
Example(not tested, but am sure everything is correct):
Load Image "media\images\hud.png", 6
Sprite 3, 0, 0, 6
Size Sprite 3, Screen Width(), Screen Height()
Set Sprite 3, 0, 1
label1 as string
label1="This is a label"
REM any text properties like text size should go here
create bitmap 1,text width(label1),text height(label1)
text 1,1,label1
get image 7,1,1,text width(label1),text height(label1)
delete bitmap 1
sprite 4,labelxpos,labelypos,7
If I'm correct, then pasting the HUD sprite onto the screen each loop while the 3D backdrop is on may cause a major performance hit. Since sprite in DBP are literally 3D objects anyway, you will be better off going with my method here.