I want to put more stuff in the TGC Store, but I dont know what people want. So if theres anything you would like ask for it in here.
If you want anything Personally(Meaning not in the Store, and just for you), You can also ask for that. But it will not be free either.
I will even let you guys suggest prices when the models are done. I will see if its a good price and will upload it to the store...
Im the best at:
-Small Entitys(Screwdrivers, Remote Controls, Switches, Stuff like that)
- Furniture(Im quite good at this stuff)
-Basic Segments(Flat Walls, pretty much just putting a texture on it)
Im ok at:
-Guns(Yet to make an animated gun)
Neverdone but will try:
-Melee Weapons
-Custom Segments(Custom Shapes, Curved Wall, where I will have to make the .x)