I have the following that spins a sphere:
REM Project: OuterSpace
REM Created: 16/08/2008 21:15:28
REM ***** Main Source File *****
Rem Set screen resolution
set display mode 1024,768,32
sync rate 60
rem Load up space image and show it
load image "images/space.jpg", 100
load image "images/lavacracks.jpg",101
make object plain 1,30,20
texture object 1,100
xrotate object 1,-10
make object sphere 2,10,100,100
`scale object 2,20,20,20
texture object 2,101
position object 2,8,5,4
scale object texture 2,4,4
rot = 1
`text 10,10,str$(object position x(2))
`text 10,20,str$(object position y(2))
`text 10,30,str$(object position z(2))
yrotate object 2,rot
if rot = 360 then rot = 1
inc rot
How do I make the sphere spin slower?