Here is the code can someone help me to fix it
REM The Program Skeleton
REM The skeleton of the program is the first thing you will be thinking about after the design stage. Most game skeletons are
REM very similar and include the following. A setup stage to load and prepare your objects. A main loop to run your game logic
REM and a cleanup stage where all the loaded media is released.
REM In Dark Basic Professional you only have to concern yourself with the first two in most cases. All media loaded is released
REM automatically when you leave a Dark Basic Professional program. The first and second stages are very easy to visualise
REM and can be coded in the following two steps. You must first create your setup stage:
rem TUT3A
rem Initial settings
sync on : sync rate 100
backdrop off : hide mouse
rem Load all media for game
gosub _load_game
rem Setup all objects for game
gosub _setup_game
REM You then create the main loop and any calls you will make over and over again to control the elements within your game:
rem TUT3B
rem Game loop
rem Control game elements
gosub _control_player
gosub _control_gunandbullet
gosub _control_enemies
rem Update screen
rem End loop
REM The last step is to create all the subroutines that the first two stages call. Subroutines are blocks of code you can jump
REM to in order to execute instructions that achieve a subtask. A subtask could be something like loading the player,
REM controlling the player, deleting the player and so on. It is easier to understand what a subroutine does when given a
REM useful name:
rem TUT3C
REM As you can see, each subroutine has a name that describes what it does. At the moment they are all empty and contain
REM no code. Later on in the tutorial we shall fill these subroutines with commands.
REM Loading The World
REM The first order of business is to create a world in which our game will be set. Once upon a time this was a very difficult
REM proposal and would often become the first major stumbling block for many would be game writers. With the built in BSP
REM commands however, such a task is mind bogglingly simple.
REM With a single command we can load an entire BSP world. The BSP file contains information about polygons, collision,
REM textures and even special effects also known as shaders. With a second command we can create a skysphere to provide
REM an enclosed environment for our world:
rem TUT4A
rem Load BSP world and sky model
load bsp "world\ikzdm1.pk3","ikzdm1.bsp"
SkyObj=1 : load object "models\sky\am.x",SkyObj
REM When the BSP world and sky are loaded, we must setup the camera and ensure the autocam does not start moving
REM around without our direct control. We must also scale down the size of the sky to bring it closer so we bring it within the
REM maximum distance of our 3D universe and switch off sky culling so polygons that would normally show from the outside of
REM the sky sphere will now show on the inside as well:
rem TUT4B
rem Setup camera
set camera range 1,10000
autocam off
rem Setup sky model
set object SkyObj,1,0,0,0,0,0,0
scale object SkyObj,20,20,20
REM In order that the user stay informed, we will provide a text prompt when the BSP is loading. Sometimes BSP worlds can
REM be very large and can take minutes to fully load, so an onscreen prompt is very important. In order to make our game as
REM presentable as possible, we will choose a nice large font:
rem TUT4C
rem Select font
set text font "arial" : set text size 16
set text to bold : set text transparent
rem Loading prompt
sync : center text screen width()/2,screen height()/2,"LOADING" : sync
REM The reason for the pre and post additions of the SYNC command is that we have initialised our program with the SYNC
REM ON command. This tells the computer that we would like to update the screen ourselves; manually. In order to see the
REM loading prompt, a sync must be made after we have drawn the text.
REM Adding A Player
REM After the world has been loaded, we must create a player for our game. As a first person shooter, the player is
REM essentially the camera. You move the camera and are treated to a view of the world in the first person.
REM So that we can re-use our player initialisation code, we will place the code somewhere we can trigger it by the simple
REM switching of a variable value. So that the player is initialised the first time we run the game, we will set the trigger
REM variable first:
rem TUT5A
rem Trigger player initialisation
REM We then provide the code that will setup the player when this variable is set to one. By using BSP collision on the
REM camera, we completely automate the handling of collision within the 3D world. This not only provides sliding collision on
REM any surface, but does so at great speed:
rem TUT5B
rem In case of restart
if restart=1
set bsp collision off 1
rotate camera 0,0,0
position camera 2,2,2
set bsp camera collision 1,0,0.75,0
REM After the player has been setup, we can start to control it. We will first need to provide control of the players rotation,
REM movement and gravity:
rem TUT5C
rem Control player direction
rotate camera camera angle x(0)+(mousemovey()/2.0),camera angle y(0)+(mousemovex()/2.0),0
rem Control player movement
cx#=camera angle x(0) : cy#=camera angle y(0)
if upkey()=1 then xrotate camera 0,0 : move camera 0,0.2 : xrotate camera 0,cx#
if downkey()=1 then xrotate camera 0,0 : move camera 0,-0.2 : xrotate camera 0,cx#
if leftkey()=1 then yrotate camera 0,cy#-90 : move camera 0.2 : yrotate camera 0,cy#
if rightkey()=1 then yrotate camera 0,cy#+90 : move camera 0.2 : yrotate camera 0,cy#
if wrapvalue(camera angle x(0))>40 and wrapvalue(camera angle x(0))180 then xrotate camera 0,40
if wrapvalue(camera angle x(0))>180 and wrapvalue(camera angle x(0))280 then xrotate camera 0,280
rem Apply simple gravity to player
REM position camera camera position x(),camera position y()-0.1,camera position z()
REM In addition, we must ensure the player is always at the center of the universe. To that end, when ever the player moves
REM we must adjust the position of the sky and the 3D listener which represents the player in our game:
rem TUT5D
rem Player is always focal point of sky
position object SkyObj,camera position x(),camera position y(),camera position z()
rem Position listener at player for 3D sound
position listener camera position x(),camera position y(),camera position z()
rotate listener camera angle x(),camera angle y(),camera angle z()
REM Adding A Gun
REM It would be a very short shooter game if our player did not have a gun, and bullets to fire. In traditional first person
REM style, the gun protrudes from the base of the screen and the bullets fire into a crosshair fixed to the center of the
REM screen.
REM The first step is to load all the models, sounds and images we will need to create the visual effect. We must load a gun
REM model, some appropriate sounds, some sniper music and a crosshair for the screen:
rem TUT6A
rem Load model for gun
GunObj=2 : load object "models\gun\gun.x",GunObj
rem Load all sounds
GunSnd=1 : load sound "sounds\gun.wav",GunSnd
ImpactSnd=2 : load 3dsound "sounds\impact.wav",ImpactSnd
DieSnd=3 : load sound "sounds\die.wav",DieSnd
rem Load music (WAV best for looping)
MusicSnd=101 : load sound "sounds\ingame.wav",MusicSnd
loop sound MusicSnd : set sound volume MusicSnd,80
rem Load images
FireImg=1 : load image "images\fire.bmp",FireImg
CrossHairImg=2 : load image "images\crosshair.bmp",CrossHairImg
REM Once the media has been loaded, we can setup the objects before the game begins. The gun needs to be locked to the
REM screen as it is part of the player camera now. We also need to create a bullet object and the crosshair for the screen:
rem TUT6B
rem Setup gun for player
lock object on GunObj
scale object GunObj,2,2,4
rotate object GunObj,270,0,0
position object GunObj,0.5,-1,2
disable object zdepth GunObj
rem Create object for bullet
BulletObj=3 : make object cube BulletObj,0.1
rem Create simple sprite based crosshair
sprite 1,320-16,240-16,CrossHairImg
set sprite 1,0,1
REM When the user presses the mouse button, the gun must be fired. In firing the gun we must first make sure the gun has
REM cooled down enough to allow another shot. This is a storyline to cover for a technical limitation as our tutorial game
REM allows only one bullet to be fired at any one time. When the gun is fired, a sound is played and the bullet is created at
REM the players position and rotated to face the target:
rem TUT6C
rem Control gun firing
if mouseclick()=1 and bullet=-50
play sound GunSnd
position object BulletObj,camera position x(0),camera position y(0),camera position z(0)
rotate object BulletObj,camera angle x(0),camera angle y(0),0
set bsp object collision 2,BulletObj,0.1,1
move object BulletObj,0.2
REM During the life of the bullet, we must move it forward and ensure it is destroyed when it hits a wall. We use the built in
REM BSP collision setup in the previous code segment to make this task simple:
rem TUT6D
rem Control life of bullet
if bullet>0
rem If bullet collides with BSP world
if bsp collision hit(2)=1 or bulletimpact=1
rem End bullet on wall
position sound ImpactSnd,object position x(BulletObj), object position y(BulletObj), object position z(BulletObj)
play sound ImpactSnd
rem Move bullet
dec bullet
move object BulletObj,0.5
rem Bullet dies
if bullet=0
set bsp collision off 2
rem Gun recharge phase
if bullet>-50 then dec bullet
REM Adding Enemies
REM All shooters need something to shoot at. In this case we opt for those poor aliens again. They may have come to visit us
REM with a message of peace, but our player is interested only in target practice.
REM The first step is to load the models for our enemy objects:
rem TUT7A
rem Load models for enemies
for ene=EneObj to EneObj+4
load object "models\enemy\H-Alien Psionic-Idle.x",ene
append object "models\enemy\H-Alien Psionic-Die.x", ene, total object frames(ene)+1
position object ene,2,2,4
loop object ene,0,25
next ene
REM Not forgetting the sounds we will need to give our enemies a realistic presence within the game. With additional use of
REM 3D sounds and a scary alien breathing sound we can create the creepy effect of 'what's just around the corner' for our
REM game:
rem TUT7B
EnemySnd=11 : load 3dsound "sounds\enemy.wav",EnemySnd
EnemygunSnd=12 : load 3dsound "sounds\enemygun.wav",EnemygunSnd
EnemydieSnd=13 : load 3dsound "sounds\enemydie.wav",EnemydieSnd
REM Now we have loaded our enemy media, we must control them within our game. We must control each enemy, ensuring
REM we can move, rotate, handle gravity and play 3D sound for them:
rem TUT7C
rem Variable for finding closest enemy
rem Handle enemies within world
for ene=EneObj to EneObj+4
rem If enemy alive
if object visible(ene)=1
rem Kill this enemy
rem Move enemy on a slow curve for appearance of intelligence
if object angle z(ene)=0
yrotate object ene,wrapvalue(object angle y(ene)+2)
if object angle z(ene)=1
yrotate object ene,wrapvalue(object angle y(ene)-2)
if object angle z(ene)=2
move object ene,0.05
move object ene,0.02
rem Switch direction of curve based on a random value
if rnd(200)=1 then zrotate object ene,rnd(1)
rem Handle gravity for enemy
position object ene,object position x(ene),object position y(ene)-0.01,object position z(ene)
rem Work out angle and distance between enemy and player
dx#=camera position x(0)-object position x(ene)
dy#=camera position y(0)-object position y(ene)
dz#=camera position z(0)-object position z(ene)
obja#=wrapvalue(object angle y(ene))
if viewa#>180 then viewa#=viewa#-360
if obja#>180 then obja#=obja#-360
rem Closest enemy emits the enemy sound
if dist#26+25 and object visible(ene)=1
if killenemy=1
set bsp collision off 3+(ene-EneObj)
hide object ene : dec aliensleft
rem If enemy alive ENDIF
next ene
REM To make sure that our aliens appear creepy, we will constantly play their presence sound effect, and scale the 3D sound
REM listener so you only hear them when they are very close to the player:
rem TUT7D
rem Start the enemy presence sound
loop sound EnemySnd
scale listener 0.1
REM Adding Logic
REM Logic is the cornerstone of every game, no matter what kind of game it is. Logic is responsible for everything that
REM happens in the game. In this sense, logic is the code to control when you kill an alien, when the alien kills you, when you
REM win the game and when you lose the game. As this tutorial does not attempt to write a complete game, we will add the
REM logic to restart when the player dies and the logic to move the aliens around the world and allow the player to shoot
REM them.
REM We can give our aliens the appearance of intelligence by letting them move towards the player when they are looking in
REM the right direction, and the player is close enough:
rem TUT8A
rem If enemy 'facing player' and 'on similar height' and 'close', zoom in
if abs(viewa#-obja#)10.0 and abs(dy#)5.0 and dist#30.0
if object angle z(ene)>2 then play sound EnemygunSnd
rotate object ene,0,viewa#,2
set object speed ene,2
set object speed ene,1
REM When the player gets too close to the enemy, the player must die. As we wish the game to continue, we shall reset the
REM players position and in order to avoid the enemy constantly attacking the player, we remove the alien from the game:
rem TUT8B
rem If enemy gets too close to player, player dies
if dist#2.0
play sound DieSnd
for x=0 to 100
point camera object position x(ene), object position y(ene)+(x/20.0), object position z(ene)
next x
REM When the bullet gets too close to an enemy, both the enemy and the bullet die. The bullet will of course live again when
REM the player fires the gun, but the enemy alas will not be so fortunate this game:
rem TUT8C
rem If enemy and bullet in same space, enemy dies
if bullet>0
if object collision(BulletObj,ene)>0
play sound EnemydieSnd
play object ene,26,26+50
set object speed ene,1
REM Having all the enemies in front of you does not make for a very good game, so adding logic to space them out and give
REM them collision so they don't move through walls provides good enemy logic for the game:
rem TUT8D
rem Place enemies throughout world and set BSP collision for them
restore EnemyPosData
for ene=EneObj to EneObj+4
read ex#,ey#,ez#
position object ene,ex#,ey#,ez#
set bsp object collision 3+(ene-EneObj),ene,0.75,0
yrotate object ene,180 : fix object pivot ene
inc aliensleft
next ene
REM As the above code uses the RESTORE and READ commands, we must provide some DATA statements containing
REM coordinates to place the enemies throughout the world. These coordinates were calculated by walking around with the
REM player and writing down the coordinate of the player:
rem TUT8E
rem Enemy position data within level
data -9.27,9.98,-2.78
data -16.54,-0.22,19.18
data 2.0,9.0,25.0
data -2.0,-9.0,25.0
data 2,4.0,10.0
REM Adding Shine
REM Shine is the fine layer of detail that turns a good game into a great game. Shine is why you like the latest model of car,
REM stereo and washing machine. It’s the six coats of polish you pay for through the nose.
REM We could add shine forever. For this tutorial we shall add just two coats of shine. Some statistical shine and particle
REM bullet shine. For our stats, we shall inform the user how many aliens remain in the level, when the level is complete and
REM how far away the player is to the nearest alien. The function below does all this:
rem TUT9A
rem Distance to next alien
if aliensleft>0 then text 20,screen height()-40,"DISTANCE READING:"+str$(abs(cdist#*100))
rem Aliens Left Stat
s$=str$(aliensleft)+" ALIENS LEFT"
if aliensleft=0 then s$="LEVEL COMPLETE!" : stop sound EnemySnd
text 640-20-text width(s$),screen height()-40,s$
REM To add our particle bullet shine, we simply have to create and control a particles object and use the position of the bullet
REM object as our guide. There are three areas of code we must modify. The creation, control and destruction of the bullet.
Bullet creation:
rem TUT9B
if particles exist(1)=1 then delete particles 1
make particles 1, FireImg, 50, 0.5
set particle emissions 1,10
set particle speed 1,0.01
Bullet control:
rem TUT9C
rem Update particle using bullet object position
set particle emissions 1,1+(bullet/10)
rotate particles 1,90-object angle x(BulletObj),object angle y(BulletObj)+180,0
position particles 1,object position x(BulletObj),object position y(BulletObj),object position z(BulletObj)
Bullet destruction:
rem TUT9D
set particle emissions 1,0
My actual color is Color object 1, RGB(128,2,3) but I would like it to be random.