now some of you may know the MathEngine Inc is the company behind the Karma Dynamics&Physics Engine...
what some of you might also be away is that their website is down.
at first i though this was just another hack attempt and the site was taken down for security. then i started to think that perhaps they've had a server crash.
well i've tried emailing them, and i've had not response. which oki isn't so weird, especially if thier Server is down. But here's the weird thing... i've phoned them to finally find out what the heck is going on - and the line is no longer in service.
So i've talked to a few mates and they've also heard no word from them (including a mate who's in a partnership company with them).
its like they've just dropped of the face of the earth.
unfortunately they're studio is in Canada so there isn't much chance of popping by to find out what exactly has happened. But its just weird how they just seem to have gone "poof!"
even more worrying is that i've not yet signed the license agreement for DarkKarma ... so legally i'm unsure to where this leaves me, i mean should i release? should i not release?
can i charge or shouldn't i?
surely someone out there must know just what the hell is going on with them.[/img]