is this what you are thinking.
autocam off
position camera 0,0,-5
make object sphere 1,1
make object sphere 2,1
glue object to limb 1,2,0
offset limb 1,0,2,0,0
yrotate object 2,y#
inc y#,.1
or have a look at making limbs.
same sort of thing but using limbs.
autocam off
position camera 0,0,-5
mesh1 = 1
mesh2 = 2
mesh3 = 3
make object sphere 1,1
make object sphere 2,1
make object cube 3,1
make mesh from object mesh1,1
make mesh from object mesh2,2
make mesh from object mesh3,3
delete object 2
delete object 3
add limb 1,1,mesh2
add limb 1,2,mesh3
link limb 1,1,2
offset limb 1,1,2,0,0
offset limb 1,2,0,2,0
yrotate object 1,y#
rotate limb 1,1,x#,0,0
inc y#, .1
inc x#, .1
Dark Physics makes any hot drink go cold.