Here the Material demo.
` using materials
phy start
autocam off
sync on
sync rate 60
color backdrop 0
make object box 1, 40, 1, 40 `Le plancher
phy make rigid body static box 1 `le plancher devient static (ne bougera pas)
color object 1, rgb ( 10, 10, 10 )
phy make material 1, "bouncy" `Créé le matériel
phy set material restitution 1, 1.5
phy build material 1
make object cube 2, 2.5
position object 2, 0, 10, 0
phy make rigid body dynamic box 2, 1 `C'est ici que tu applique le matérien 1 à l'object cube 2
color object 2, rgb ( 0, 0, 255 )
position camera 0, 5, -20
phy update
If I change the restirution to something bigger than 1.0 it stay in the air. If I place it at 0,5 it bonce twice less than one. I want it to bounce like a superball.
When it is too complicated it is because you are trying at the wrong door.