If you read the latest TGC newsletter you'll see that TGC have made the decision to stop porting FPSC X9 model packs over to FPSC X10 and update the FPSC X10 engine to ensure all models can be imported instead.
This may have some nice fringe benefits for FPSC X10 like having the scale command working in .fpe files and ability to use multiple textures for dynamic entities again.
Here is a quote from the newsletter
Quote: "Some users have expressed an interest in the remaining 14 model packs and are wondering when the next one will be released. It was decided that rather than create two sets of assets, it would make more sense to release an update to FPS Creator X10 which allows the original model packs to be loaded without requiring any conversion whatsoever. This way existing model packs will work out of the box and third party model packs and items will also be automatically compatible. This work is built into the migration project currently in development and we will release more information as it becomes available. Watch the newsletter and forums for an opportunity to beta test the new migration version."
Newsletter can be found here
In answer to your question, if you can't wait until the above happens.
The mapbank and scriptbank folders for FPSC X10 are located in 'Documents / FPSC X10 Files / mapbank' or 'Documents / FPSC X10 Files / scriptbank'.
meshbank, texturebank, entitybank and segments are located in FPSC X10 program files installation directory.