The controls are:
Up: Speed Up
Down: Slow down
Left: Turn left
Right: Turn right
Try not to hit the cubes! Also note that if you lose(and yes you can win) you will lose 5000 points. Have fun!
sync on
score = 0
sync rate 60
set global collision on
speed = 4
make matrix 1,100.0,100000.0,25,25
autocam off
make object cube 1,5
set matrix wireframe on 1
position camera 50,10,0
position object 1,50,5,50
for x = 2 to 500
make object cube x,10
position object x,rnd(100),5,rnd(100000)
next x
pitch camera down 20
x = object position x(1)
z = object position z(1)
z = z + 4
if leftkey()=1 then l = 1 ; r = 0
if rightkey()=1 then r = 1 ; l = 0
if l = 1 then x = x - 1
if r = 1 then x = x + 1
if speed > 99 then x = 99
if z > 32000
ink rgb(255,0,0),0
delete matrix 1
score = score + 5000
for x = 1 to 500
text 10,10,"Final Score: " + str$(score)
delete object x
text 300,240,"YOU WIN"
wait .1
next x
if object collision(1,0) > 1
ink rgb(255,0,0),0
v = 501
for a = a to 125
make object sphere v,a
position object v,x,0,z
v = v + 1
next a
delete matrix 1
score = score - 5000
for x = 1 to 500
text 10,10,"Final Score: " + str$(score)
delete object x
text 300,240,"GAME OVER"
next x
b = 626
delete object b
b = b - 1
if b = 501 then end
text 10,10,"Final Score: " + str$(score)
text 300,240,"GAME OVER"
z = z + speed / 4
position object 1,x,5,z
text 10,10,"Current Score:" + str$(score)
position camera 50,50,z-50
if speed 3 and speed 8 then score = score + speed
if upkey()=1 then speed = speed + 1
if downkey()=1 then speed = speed - 1
JetRace coming. Watch out!