there must be some kind of delay on your posts as when i wrote mine so wasent your last post there
about cheating ?????
i dont want to be crappy to you but how long have you bin programming?
as you can only achive an program that runs well on all computers with an timed movement.
and if i where you so would i listen to ian as he is one of the code gurus here
you sound like me when i started to code and didt know that much about fps and timed movement
simply explained.-------------------------------------
fps is the same as how many cycles your prg runs your main loop in seconds.
so if you move an object with the speed 10 so will it move alot faster and further if you have an fps of 700 then an fps of 50.
as you then moves it 700 times in an second with the speed 10.
but iam an pretty lame coder when it comes to the hardcore terms of coding so please gandalf,darkcoder or ian or van help me out to explain