this should help you a bit and which two axis do you want to rotate the camera on?
sync on
sync rate 30
CameraX = 0 `this is the cameras position on the X axis
CameraZ = 0 `this is the cameras position on the Z axis
MovementAmount = 5 `this is how far the camera will move at a time
position camera CameraX, 0, CameraZ `this positions the camera at the variables declared earlier in the code
make object box 1, 50, 50, 50 `this makes an object to look at so you can tell the camera is moving
position object 1, 0, - 50, 0 `this positions the object
position camera CameraX, 0, CameraZ `this allows the camera to be repositioned if the variables are changed
if upkey() = 1 `if the upkey is pressed
inc CameraZ, MovementAmount `increase the CameraZ variable by the MovementAmount variable
if downkey() = 1 `if the downkey is pressed
dec CameraZ, MovementAmount `decrease the CameraZ variable by the MovementAmount variable
if leftkey() = 1 `if the leftkey is pressed
dec CameraX, MovementAmount `decrease the CameraX variable by the MovementAmount variable
if rightkey() = 1 `if the rightkey is pressed
inc CameraX, MovementAmount `increase the CameraX variable by the MovementAmount variable
if mouseclick() = 2 `if the right mouse button is clicked
`code to point the camera goes here