Can someone help make it so that if the ball hits the bridge too hard, or if there is a weak bridge part, then the entire thing will break?
` there is a great deal of flexibility in Dark Physics and it allows for all kinds of
` complex structures to be created through the use of joints, in this tutorial
` we will look at how a simple set of boxes can be transformed into a
` bridge structure
phy start
sync on
sync rate 60
load image "stripe5.png",10000
make object sphere 10000,800,48,48
texture object 10000,10000
scale object texture 10000,6,6
set object cull 10000,0
rotate object 10000,0,0,90
load image "stripe6.png", 3
` our next stage is to create our ground object, this object is a simple box that
` then has a rigid body attached to it which then has its dynamic state set to false
make object box 1, 400, 1, 400
color object 1, rgb ( 100, 0, 0 )
phy make rigid body static box 1
ghost object on 1, 0
texture object 1, 3
` when the bridge has been created it will need to be attached to something, it cannot
` simply be positioned in empty space so we need to think about what each end of the bridge
` can be attached to, we can create 2 box objects and position these on top of the ground
` and by doing this have 2 locations upon which we can attach the bridge, the code for
` this is fairly straight forward, the first block of code creates a box with an ID number
` of 2 and size of 60, 50, 400, it is then positioned on the left side of the ground object
` and a rigid body box created for it
make object box 2, 60, 50, 400
position object 2, -170, 25, 0
phy make rigid body static box 2
texture object 2, 3
` the second block of code is similar except this time an ID number of 3 is used and the
` object is positioned on the right side of the ground as shown by the screenshot
make object box 3, 60, 50, 400
position object 3, 170, 25, 0
phy make rigid body static box 3
texture object 3, 3
` construct the support chains for the bridge
CreateSupportChain( 4, 27, 1, -137, 50, 50 )
CreateSupportChain( 28, 51, 50, -137, 50, -50 )
` the next block of code creates the beams between the support chains and also hooks
` everything together with hinge joints
JointID = 100
x# = -131
y# = 50
z# = 0
a = 4
b = 28
` run through objects
for i = 52 to 75
` create a beam and position it
make object box i, 2, 2, 100
position object i, x#, y#, z#
` create a rigid body box for it
phy make rigid body dynamic box i
color object i, rgb ( rnd ( 255 ), rnd ( 255 ), rnd ( 255 ) )
set object specular i, rgb ( rnd ( 255 ), rnd ( 255 ), rnd ( 255 ) )
set object specular power i, 255
set object ambient i,0
` create a revolute joint between the beam and its closest support chain block on the far side
phy make revolute joint JointID, i, a, 1, 0, 0, object position x ( a ), object position y ( a ), object position z ( a )
JointID = JointID + 1
` create a revolute joint between the beam and its closest support chain block on the near side
phy make revolute joint JointID, i, b, 1, 0, 0, object position x ( b ), object position y ( b ), object position z ( b )
JointID = JointID + 1
` increment the values
a = a + 1
b = b + 1
x# = x# + 12
next i
` create a heavy sphere to roll across the bridge
make object sphere 100, 50
position object 100, 175, 90, 0
phy make rigid body dynamic sphere 100
color object 100, rgb ( rnd ( 255 ), rnd ( 255 ), rnd ( 255 ) )
set object specular 100, rgb ( rnd ( 255 ), rnd ( 255 ), rnd ( 255 ) )
set object specular power 100, 255
set object ambient 100,0
` position and rotate the camera
position camera -120, 135, -161
rotate camera 35, 34, 0
make light 1
set directional light 1, -5,-5,5
`load image "logo.png", 100000
`sprite 1, 0, 600 - 60, 100000
` now our main loop
` display information
set cursor 0, 0
print "Bridge construction example, press space to move the sphere"
rotate object 10000, 0, object angle y( 10000 ) + 0.3, 0
` when the space key is pressed apply a velocity to the sphere
if spacekey ( )
phy set rigid body linear velocity 100, -20, 10, 0
phy update
function CreateSupportChain( StartID, EndID, JointID, x#, y#, z# )
` this function will create a support chain for the bridge from the specified
` starting point
` create the chain of boxes
for i = StartID to EndID
make object box i, 10, 2, 2
position object i, x#, y#, z#
phy make rigid body dynamic box i
color object i, rgb ( rnd ( 255 ), rnd ( 255 ), rnd ( 255 ) )
set object specular i, rgb ( rnd ( 255 ), rnd ( 255 ), rnd ( 255 ) )
set object specular power i, 255
set object ambient i,0
x# = x# + 12
next i
` set up ball joints between them
for i = StartID to EndID - 1
phy make sphere joint JointID, i, i + 1, object position x ( i ), object position y ( i ), object position z ( i )
JointID = JointID + 1
next i
` ball joints going in other direction
for i = StartID + 1 to EndID
phy make sphere joint JointID, i, i - 1, object position x ( i ), object position y ( i ), object position z ( i )
JointID = JointID + 1
next i
` further ball joints
phy make sphere joint JointID, 2, StartID, object position x ( StartID ), object position y ( StartID ), object position z ( StartID )
JointID = JointID + 1
phy make sphere joint JointID, 3, EndID - 1, object position x ( EndID - 1 ), object position y ( EndID - 1 ), object position z ( EndID - 1 )
JointID = JointID + 1
function strapline(mode,s$)
if mode=0
ink 0x66FFFFFF,0 : set text font "Tahoma" : set text size 32
center text screen width()/2,20,s$