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Work in Progress / New RTS Game: Firewall

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Posted: 22nd Jul 2003 07:02
I finally decided to release my game to the Dark Basic community. I will be selling it. This is just a beta release, there is no internet multiplayer yet, or much of an integrated storyling. Be sure to read the manual, and check out the screenshots.

Please either post your feedback here, or at my forum.

It is a real time strategy game. There are viruses in your computer and you must drive them out. Build Posters to put up posts and control bytes of memory. Build hackers to hack away at the virus controlled memory. Build wreckers to destroy virus bots.

Remember my name (Xander). You will need it to unlock the zip file.
There is no source code, this will eventually be a commercial game. I will be selling it from my website, using PayPal. Anyone have any advice?

Hope you all like it...
Bolt of Bolt Software Productions
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Posted: 22nd Jul 2003 08:01
Oops, forgot to tell about the cheat.

Hold down c,h,e,a, and t while you click on "Begin" in training mode only to play with any robot, even if they are locked. The viruses will have access to all robots if you do this.

The drones need some work on their movement. Will be fixed in next version.

Please try it out. It is a really fun game, if you read the manual.

Tip: Click on or near a robot when building or moving a robot to have it guard that robot.

Bolt of Bolt Software Productions
The admiral
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Posted: 22nd Jul 2003 11:00
Looks very interesting from the screen shots. Havent tried it yet but will be sure to try it out.Its good to see fellow rts programmers makin and displaying their projects. good luck with this.

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Posted: 22nd Jul 2003 21:22
Yea, good luck.
Looks great from the screenies so far.

Yellow:Wanna publish my game microsoft, cuz i no u rich so...Can I have my bag of money now?
Microsoft: *snicker* Tip of the month-Microsoft will never(probebly) publish your game.
Preston C
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Posted: 23rd Jul 2003 01:14
Wow, looks cool. If only you werent gonna charge for the final version . Oh well, looks cool!

At first glance, I'm a mediocre mech pilot. Look again and you will see my battlemech's computer code rushing through my eyes. My Mech And I Are One!
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Posted: 24th Jul 2003 17:53
fun but needs to be faster, and the control system should be right
click select lef tclick move

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Posted: 24th Jul 2003 18:19
screen shots look sweet 15% downloaded right now

Gone Fishing!
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Posted: 24th Jul 2003 18:56
great game i like it! all i can offer for advice is make it easyer to click on the robots. Good Job.

Gone Fishing!
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Posted: 27th Jul 2003 04:01
Thanks guys.

eek, right click is select. Left click is move. What do you mean?

I programmed it in Dark Basic Classic. As soon as I get Dark Basic Pro in the mail (I ordered it a week ago) I will be converting it. It will be much faster and have better particle effects.

Bolt of Bolt Software Productions
Cash Curtis III
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Posted: 29th Jul 2003 19:49
slick interface, nice explosions. Good job.
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Posted: 1st Aug 2003 00:02
yeah have an advise: use some system for paying that everyone can use ... for example ... paypal is nonsense if you are non-northamerican

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Posted: 6th Aug 2003 05:56
Thanks man. I will look into Shareit.

Does anyone have any advice for the drone movement? If I use curvevalue, the drones act funny when they get to close to the position and move to fast when they are far away.

Bolt of Bolt Software Productions
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Posted: 6th Aug 2003 06:25
i don't really have advice but when i go from level to level my menu disopears! It still works i can still click on the button because i know where they are but i can't see them. I don't know if it's only me or what but i'm just telling ya.

Gone Fishing!
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Posted: 6th Aug 2003 12:41
That looks like a great game, I'll download it if I have time. Do your units pathfind? Can you provide any help with pathfinding in 3d (DBC v1.13)or do your maps not have obstacles?

Pathfinding has me stumped. Anyway, the game looks great and I hope its very successful (it should be!)

"It's amazin' what you can do with a computer and access to t'internet"
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Posted: 6th Aug 2003 13:13
hey who is that good boy or girl, that want to help me for some lightwave tutorials?

note .... ia am just a beginner

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Posted: 7th Aug 2003 05:42
There are some obstacles, in the form of land that the robots cannot walk on. They run into it, and then turn around. They will then detect the enemy again and walk towards it. They will usually go in a path around the obstacle this way. It is not intelligent AI, but it works pretty well.

shpata, what are you talking about

Bolt of Bolt Software Productions
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Posted: 11th Aug 2003 16:04
I must say that i love the idea behind this game
its remind my a little bit of Tron 2 (dont know why).

BTW how much time did u work on this?

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Posted: 14th Aug 2003 06:21
I will be rewriting some of it soon, should fix some big problems. I had the sync rate set to 30, now I will set it to 0 and have a variable to control the speed of everything. Should fix a lot of problems, especially on faster computers. Should take a couple days.

I started this project on April 17, this year. I haven't worked on it for a few weeks though. I am waiting for Dark Basic Pro to arrive so I can convert it over and use particle effects and make it multiplayer.

Bolt of Bolt Software Productions
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Posted: 17th Aug 2003 06:50
I have finished reprogramming, and have smoothed out many bugs. I will have the new version up on Monday. Sorry for the delay, but I will be away tomorrow, and it is too late tonight. I haven't compiled or zipped it up, or anything yet. Just wanted to let people know.

Will some of you please tell me your system specifications? Thanks.

Bolt of Bolt Software Productions
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Posted: 21st Aug 2003 06:28

My server that I had my website on has gone crazy. It won't let me on or upload stuff. I have moved my website and all downloads to a new server. It works completely, but there are some banner ads.

Firewall V1.4B is now ready! There are many bugs fixed, including the sync rate set to 0. It should work on all computers now, running at the same speed, but with frame rates maximized. Hold down space bar to see your framerate. Tell me how fast it goes on your system, along with your specs. Thank you.

There are new screenshots too. They are pretty cool, they should load a little faster, but are lower quality jpgs. The server is a little slower than the other one, but at least it works.

Good Luck

Bolt of Bolt Software Productions
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Posted: 21st Aug 2003 07:50
Anybody else find it difficult to hold down the "c", "h", "e", "a", and "t" keys THEN click the mouse? I did, but then again, i'm retarded - free webhosting
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Posted: 22nd Aug 2003 05:48 Edited at: 22nd Aug 2003 05:50
It is a cheat, it shouldn't be too easy

Thumb on C
Pinky on A
Ring Finger on E
Middle Finger on T
Pointer Finger on H

Use your left hand for the keys, your right hand for the mouse.
It's not that hard, I don't have gigantic hands

Just noticed: You joined yesterday, huh Jimmmy. How did you like that game anyway?

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Posted: 25th Aug 2003 06:29 Edited at: 25th Aug 2003 06:55
***It is still on the alternate server

Firewall V1.5B is ready!
Tons of bugs fixed, a new robot, better game modes (you can actually play them in less than 3 hours!), and low effect mode now works. I still haven't gotten DB Pro yet. When it finally comes in the mail I will add better faster particle effects, and get multiplayer working.

If the page doesn't work right away, or the download, just wait a few minutes. I am uploading it right now.

Bolt of Bolt Software Productions
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Posted: 29th Aug 2003 08:36
Another rts?! How come as soon as I make a demo, there's like 5 rts games out? Pretty cool and different. But your AI is stupid! I had 4 big wreckers get blown up by 1 little wrecker. Mine just sat that. It runs slow, hard to move mouse around accurately, but that's a DBC thing probably.
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Posted: 30th Aug 2003 08:04
Yeah, I am going to fix that... They need to check for closer robots when following one. Easy fix, thanks for reminding me.

Does anybody actually watch this thread, or should I stop posting updates?

Bolt of Bolt Software Productions

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