sync on
For x = 1 to 5:Make object Plain x,1000,100:next x
for X = 2 to 3:yrotate object x,80:NEXT X
position object 2,-200,0,-370
position object 3,250,0,-370
position object 4,90,0,-860
position camera -50,0,-793
if upkey()=1 then move camera 10
if leftkey()=1 then a = wrapvalue(a-10)
if Rightkey()=1 then a = wrapvalue(a+10)
yrotate camera a
set cursor 1,1
print " Camera Position X: "+STR$(Camera Position X())
print " Camera Position Z: "+STR$(Camera Position Z())
set cursor 40,440
print "Wolf3D Style 3D Engine By: Dray"
print " For The 20 Line Contest"
Wanna Go On A Data???