DarkReality is a horror virtual reality simulator using DarkGDK and a sensor based mechanism to mimic a fully player interactive environment.
In Game:
The demo level that will be created along with DarkReality will also be released to play with the traditional mouse and keyboard. Various game play videos will be released to show how the virtual reality mechanism interacts fluently with the game environment.
The Mechanism:
Currently constructed from an old manual treadmill, the player will mount the platform and begin walking and etc to navigate the player around the 3D world. Two hand controls will allow the player to simulate pushing doors open and controlling camera movement. This will be updated later as the project progresses.
WIP (Work In Progress)
Requires More Planning
Kaos Scripting Engine:
- Script Parser
- World Creation
- Platform
- Multi-Touch Screen
- Hand Controls
- Mount Sensor
- Microprocessor
- Addition Sensory Systems
In Game Environment:
- Multi-Touch Integration
Joining The Team:
I am currently looking for anyone interested in joining the team. We are looking for people skilled in Digital State Electronics, Sensor Sytems (PING, Acoustic, Photoresistor, etc)and DarkGDK Programming.
Current Ideas/Theories:
Mount Sensor: I want the machine to know when the user has mounted the platform or not. I also want the machine to recognize when to pause the world when the user wants to take a break. I figured the best way to do this, would be to connect Cadmium Sulfide Photoresistors to each of the player mounted hand controls. When the player grabs the crontrol, the Photoresistors will loose any contact with light (shaded out by your hand) and drop in resistance value.
Any comments/questions/CC are more than welcome!