I have been undergoing development of a game development program and I am finally posting some details.
Demo: Dark Chaos: Performance Demo - Water, HDR, Fog
This demo shows a few shaders I am using for Dark Chaos.
GUI: Temporary version. Will be updated very soon.
- Sliding Panel
- Buttons
- Sliders
- Event Driven
- Move around mouse to look
- Press M to LockUnlock looking
- Adjust the values on the sliding panel
Mod: Advanced Sprites - GUI
Evolve: Real-Time Water Shader, HDR Shader
Green Gandalf: Fog Shader
The FPS of this version is capped of at 60 fps.
This is one of my many demos I will release to the public. I will release more soon!
Stick around this thread if you want to see more videos or demos!
Comments? Questions? Criticism? Let me know!
Current questions:
- What would you like to see for a game development program?
- Is there any alternatives to using Skyboxes or SkySpheres that would work with reflective water?
- @Van B: Could you help me learn how TerSculpt works?
Already noted fixes:
- Skybox looks bad and is the source of a bunch more problems. This is just temp. will fix soon! If you have any skybox alternatives let me know!
Answers to Several Comments:
- This is a work in progress. There is a white cube to show HDR's Blur Width
- I am only showing what features I have completed. I have more demos just not to the point of being complete.
- I have a ton of code finished for the purpose of creating a game developer. I don't have my new GUI finished yet, so I can't show the game developer yet.
- The project will contains a ton of shaders. I wanted to get them done first for the purpose of including them in the next demo which will be the world editor.
- What most people want to see is a good amount of shaders in a world editor and also enviromental effects. Right now I am just showcasing what I have done so far.
What I will add later:
I have been looking into creating something close to TerSculpt that will export a heightmap. The world editor will be close to TerSculpt and you can add objects, apply shaders, and apply enviromental effects. This is just one of many of tools that will be avaliable. Another one is an entry creator. This is good for making something like a house or maze.
Notice: It was suggested that I post my game development project here.
Original Thread
Here is the new link to the download: Takes about a minute secs to wait for download link.
I may port everything to visual basic .net and make a game engine from it. I know the editor will be in VB .net, but I don't know about the whole engine.
Most current demo is attached to this post for download.
Newest Details:
I have changed the project's name to Digital Chaos. This will be the name of an up and coming video game title.
I have made a lot of progress on the overall project. I have completed the Visual Basic .Net communication framework so DBP + VB.net can communicate.
I have also made a ton of updates that are shown off in this video. I ended up going with a sky dome and a bottom for the sky dome because there are no visible seams.
Dark Fire
My future self met up with one day to teach me what I know today.