Hey guys!
I'll get right to the point..
If you run the following code, you should see the problem; the 'top.bmp' sprite, (sprite 1) does not follow the mouse the whole time, so it then becomes out of line:
Rem Load stuff
sync on
set display mode 1900, 1200, 16
hide mouse
rem sprites
load image "top.bmp", 1
load image "aim.bmp", 2
load image "bottom.bmp", 3
load image "back.bmp", 4
load image "bullet.bmp", 5
sprite 4, 0,0,4
sprite 3, 1000,1000, 3
sprite 1, 1000, 1000, 1
rem main loop
rem sprite 1, sprite x(3), sprite y(3), 1
a# = mousey( )
b# = mousex( )
c# = mouseclick()
rotate sprite 1,atanfull(a#-sprite x(1), b#-sprite y(1))
offset sprite 1, 40, 59.5
offset sprite 3, 50, 33.5
if upkey() = 1 then move sprite 3, .1
if downkey() = 1 then move sprite 3, - .1
if leftkey() = 1 then rotate sprite 3, sprite angle(3) - .1
if rightkey() = 1 then rotate sprite 3, sprite angle(3) + .1
if c# = 1 then gosub sub
rem move object 5, 1
sprite 1, sprite x(3),sprite y(3), 1
sprite 2, mousex()+1, mousey()+1, 2
rem mxy = atanfull(mousex(), mousey())
rem if mxy < 359 then center text 300,100, "less 100"
rem if mxy > 0 then center text 300, 200, "more 0"
rem retfloat = atanfull(1,350)
rem if retfloat < 340 then center text 200,100, "Atanfull.."
rem rotate sprite 1, sprite angle(1) + 0.1
sprite 5, sprite x(1), sprite y(1), 5
rotate sprite 5,atanfull(sprite x(1),sprite y(1))
move sprite 5, 1000
help appreciated!