Limefly Texture Gallery News
First of all, I'd like to thank all the nice people who have visited my site. Thanks to the little ad in the DB newsletter, I got over 700 texture loads in a day. Nice, if your previous total was under 2000 for a month.
Also, Big thanks to those that bothered to register. Got a small userbase now, and it's nice.
here's the actual good, bad and unsorted news
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Good news:
I recently added all sorts of textures to the site (and even mouse cursor images!?), making the total texture count go up to near 200. In few days, if not in hours, this line is going to be broken, and I think it's great.
...Then to the bad ones:
As some of you might know already, I'm soon going away for a month. This is non-optional for me. Let's just say that if I wouldn't go, police would throw me into jail. that's the law around here. Gotta serve your country.
Anyways, this means that the site won't be getting the layout update it badly needs, or any other updates from me during that time. For a website with this little userbase, this usually means death.
With no new stuff, people stop checking regularily .. and soon they stop checking at all.
What is there to do?:
Well, it only takes few textures from few people, at regular intervals to keep the site up and living. I will probably (=hopefully) be able to do sort of weekly maintaining and moderating, so that isn't the problem. Problem is the new material. If you think you could share some of your work, or are already registered as "artist" to the site, please contact me.
Also, as I won't be gone until monday, I am taking especially "tileset" requests at the moment. Just send me a email or anything with the names of the two, blended-to-be textures and I'll wrap up the tileset for you.
oh yeah, when browsing the site, try rating and commenting the pictures too. Much more fun for everyone that way.
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