It would be possible...if you could get your enemies to take advantage of 3d space. I'm not sure if they already do, but I don't think so...If you could have swimming enemies (like if an update allows for underwater creatures or enemies or whatever), then yes, definitely possible. Just add a HUD image for the cockpit, change the gun so it looks like part of the ship. Make the enemies into spaceships.
have done the invisible water thing to simulate zero gravity. Works like a charm
. I've got a vid of it on youtube... So we just need swimming enemies and there you go, first person spaceship game, no scripting or anything. You'd need to make adjustments and stuff but yeah.
Unfortunately there's not much you can do until we get swimming enemies (or if we even do get swimming enemies)...though you could do other things in the meantime..
Adding lasers is just a matter of adding custom flak to the gun.