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Program Announcements / DBPro Programmers Resource

Andy Igoe
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Joined: 6th Oct 2002
Location: United Kingdom
Posted: 25th Jul 2003 21:59 Edited at: 25th Jul 2003 21:59
Programmers Resource v1.0
DarkBASIC Professional is a powerful language for hobbyist game development but some of the more advanced features can be hard to learn. This suite of functions provides easy acessibility to the following concepts:

Polygonal collision detection
Speed equalisation so your game runs at the same speed on all systems
Keypress detector so you can easily identify multiple keypresses
Superfast range calculations
Bearing calculations
Set screen resolution to windows desktop resolution for maximum performance with windowed - fullscreen mode


Comments & Suggestions Welcome.

Pneumatic Dryll
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Joined: 9th Mar 2003
Location: United Kingdom
Posted: 28th Jul 2003 00:05
i'll try it out 2morro and give ya a reveiw!

You know whats weird???
Donald duck never wore pants, yet everything time he got out of the shower he put a towel around his waist...
Whats with that???
Ian T
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Posted: 28th Jul 2003 06:48
Looking into it now.

I don't know if this is the fault of traffic or not but your servers are mighty slow, 10-15kb/s. Not that it matters as the file was real small, just thought I'd say...


Famous Fighting Furball

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