Ooo, this discussion is getting interesting.
On point (1), how can this possibly be true? I don't know any women that play games. In this games programming forum their are only a few women. You go into a game shop, and it's at least 10-1 men to women, and the women are generally on the arm of some bloke. Maybe it's just the UK with no women playing games.
On point (2), I agree the TV can't portray how attractive people are IRL. I'm generally not overly attracted to people on TV, but I guarentee if you met some of those good looking women from TV in real life, and they were down to earth, you'd be drooling.
I'm all for the whole package me - I wouldn't kid myself by telling myself "its all about the personality", because that just isn't the case. It's very important. You can't have a relationship with a AAA glamour model if the personality sends you to sleep, but god damn it, you'd be stupid not to try!
I personally only go for the whole package. I won't go out with someone with a face like a slapped arse, no matter how good their personality is, and there's nothing wrong with that. People think it's "wrong" to go for people based on look. That's utter gob-shite! What gives anyone the right to say "personality" is a more important attribute than "sexual attractiveness", for example. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, right? So some people see beauty in personality, and some see beauty in shape and appearance.
The truth is, someone with a great personality is gonna keep you a happier man in the long run, than someone with a great pair of tits, so people who go out with people purely for looks, and don't give mr or mrs personality a chance ... well, at the end of the day, they're the ones losing out. But I personaly think, people should have the right to rank looks over personality, if thats the sort of person they are. And they're not shallow - they're just not smart. They'll learn eventually.
And don't forget, good looking women can have great personalities too. So at least those supposedly "shallow" people might eventually get the best of both worlds. Also, men especially are often jealous of other guys who can pull good looking women, cos they can't do it themselves. And they make up all these excuses in their heads, and convince themselves its because personality is more important. That's bollocks! But it's understandable too.
What you have to do is enjoy the way someone looks. Enjoy the way someone is shaped. Enjoy someones sense of humour and personality. And so long as there're enough of each of those attributes to make you happy, no matter in what quantity, and that person likes you, then go for it. If the good looking women want good looking men, and you dont quality, then unfortunately that's just the way it is. It's not shallow, or cruel. It's human, and it just shows life is unfair.
As for point (3), once again I agree. Hate the institutions, if you have to hate anyone. Only hate the individual if the institution rules their life - and never hate them as a group. Take time to get to know them as individuals, so you can hate them all differing amounts. lol