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DLL Talk / SQL DLL Request

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Posted: 10th Nov 2008 04:07
I have been looking for 2 days now, throughout the forums and via Google, for a SQL DLL. I found CattleRustlers, and made a test program with it. The program compiles, but doesn't run. Says "Failed to load DLL (1: DBP_TPC_MySQL_EXP.dll)". The version I have is dated Aug 14, 2007. I know there is a newer version dated Dec 2007, but I cannot find a link for it.

So, anyone have the newer DLL? Anyone have a different SQL DLL?

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
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Posted: 10th Nov 2008 12:47
How are you loading the dll?
Ill have a look for the latest compiled version this evening

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Posted: 10th Nov 2008 17:10

Any way you could make the DLLs so they don't throw an alert box up and freeze the program when there's an SQL error? I'd much rather receive an error code value back from the function then to have my program freeze while it's waiting for someone to click on ok.

I only mention it because it freezes my game server.



(I could be wrong) It sounds like you're trying to use the DLL by using the load dll command. This particular dll is a plug-in for DBPro. So you put the dll in the compiler\plugins-user directory and remove your load command.

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Posted: 10th Nov 2008 18:59
I do believe I am doing it correctly. DLL goes into plugins-user, ini goes in keywords. The thing is that all the commands are syntax highlited in the editor, and if I type a command with too many arguments or the wrong type, the compiler yells at me, so I know the editor has loaded the DLL properly. After the program compiles, and you run the exe, is when the problems crop up.

When I get back home from work I will post the entire code (10 lines I think) and you can take a look at it.
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Posted: 11th Nov 2008 00:37 Edited at: 11th Nov 2008 00:37
Quote: "It sounds like you're trying to use the DLL by using the load dll command"

thats what I first suspected, but apparently he's not, so...
I checked the last known build and its dated Aug 14 2007 so I think you have the latest version, this one is build The projects are on my old machine under .net framework 1.1, I dont see anything under .net 2.0 but ill double check.

In the meantime if you post the code maybe we can get it working

Ill look into getting rid of any message boxes as well

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Posted: 11th Nov 2008 01:21 Edited at: 11th Nov 2008 01:23

I have the MySQL ODBC installed on my computer and it shows up, exactly as typed, in the Control Panel->Admin Tools.

The websites that everyone linked with the DLL were mostly down, so I used to hunt for it and somewhere on there is where I saw the Dec 2007 version, but it could have been someone just reposting the older version.

Edit: Before anyone asks, I have set up the sql server to allow remote connections, so it shouldn't be a localhost type problem
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Posted: 11th Nov 2008 11:33
does it not connect, or does it not return data. whats the error?
In your connection string, is the very last ; necessary?

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Posted: 11th Nov 2008 14:34
The program compiles, the exe is made. When you run the exe the very first thing you see is a dialog box that reads:

"Failed to load DLL (1: DBP_TPC_MySQL_EXP.dll)"

As for the last ";", I copy/pasted someone else's and change it to suit my needs. It probably isn't necessary.
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Posted: 11th Nov 2008 17:53
What compiler/IDE are you using?

Isn't there an option in one of them, CodeSurge I think, that let's you keep the DLLs outside of the exe? Check your IDE settings but I bet if you placed the DLL in the same directory as the exe it would run.

If that's the case, then find that option in your IDE and turn it on/off depending on what it's set to now..

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Posted: 11th Nov 2008 23:17
I am using the default DarkBasic Professional editor, updated to 7.0. I am using 4 other custom DLLs and they work just fine.

I will try to compile the same program on another computer tonight.
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Posted: 12th Nov 2008 00:45
Found out two things:

First, Compiled on my other computer and it ran just fine. I even copied the EXE that my main computer compiled and it ran on other computers as well, just not the main computer. Hmmm

Second, Hostnames should generally not start with http://

Once I changed my hostname to not include http://, ran it on my other comp and it displayed all the users of my website. Wee!!

@ Cattle Rustler
I am unsure why it didn't load on my main computer. Would you like to run some tests to find out or should we just leave it be? The EXE I am compiling is the server-side to my game and will actually be running on the second computer so I have no actual need of a fix, but if you want to we can debug this.

@ KISTech
Thanks for attempting to help me with this situation. It seems as though the answer wasn't straightforward but I appreciate the help anyway. Let me know if you ever need anything
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Posted: 12th Nov 2008 18:38
Odd problem.

Sounds like it's time for a format and reinstall on that computer.

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Posted: 17th Feb 2009 20:27
glad its working

I will edit the code to remove message boxes from the dll as requested in email. Im not on these forums much, currently, but that may change at some point. In the interim Ill keep an eye out for this thread.

I guess if there are any issues or requests, post them here but I cant promise that I can get to everything soon, if it ends up being a lot.


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