Anybody should be able to translate a DBPro code fragment into DarkGDK.
If you are serious about doing these sort of things, then why not do something productive that has not been done by others.
Should you be interested then why not make a useful library of functions that deal with Meshes.
Things like :
void new_CreateMeshMemblock ( int iMeshMemblockID, float fWidth, float fDepth, int iXSegments, int iZSegments, float fHightLevel)
void new_ContourMeshMemblock ( int iMeshMemblockID, int iImageMemblockID, float fOffsetHeight)
void new_TextureMeshMemblock ( int iMeshMemblockID, int iImageMemblockID, int iTile, int iXSegments, int iZSegments)
Things that would let a person get away from those cursed Matrix functions when they are creating worlds. This would enable great flexibility in creating and culling terrain objects.
Or something useful like a dynamically repositioning water mesh.
You know, a mesh that is only the size required to cover a cameras field of view and distance view. As a camera rotates, then the water mesh repositions itself to cover that view area, and when a camera is looking down, the mesh positions itself so that its middle is directly under the camera.....etc. It would save a lot of collision processing time and render processing time.
Hell, there are so many great little and not so little program fragments that could be created, that would be very useful to people.