Added some new features:
Ammo system - Now when you run out of ammo, you can go and find an ammo box.
Muzzle Smoke - Ive Finally got UberFX Particles working properly so ive added muzzlesmoke to show off this feature.
Message system - Engine now displays messages on the screen eg. you picked up ammo, radios, etc.
UberPhysX renamed to UberPhysics as it now runs with Newton and PhysX (user decides which one to use)
UberPhysics can now create bodies
Entity system is now working
When in debugmode, you can now change the scene to wireframe
Started the editor
Started the UberButton (ill explain later)
Started UberWorld (this is for indoor maps (will load FPSC and UBER worlds))
Improvements made to the Filesystem (should load faster)
Improvements made to the UberCore Main Loop (should run alot faster)
Latest Test: UberTerrain Speed
UberEngine with the terrain: 230 FPS
UberEngine without the terrain 250 FPS
only a 20 FPS drop and i was looking over the terrain when i took that frame rate!