dbSuspendForKey() stops all activity until a keypress is detected. If you are trying to do what I think you are, and repeat the word Hi over and over until a keypress, you first need to put it inside a while or do...while loop.
Even if you did this, it would just overwrite itself over and over at the same screen position (as you used dbText(X Coords on screen, Y Coords on screen, YOUR VAR HERE))
You should use dbText(YOUR VAR HERE), it will do what you want it to, but you cannot set text positions using it.
char* SCStr = "Hi";
By the way, a note about code tags. You can use them by sticking
[code} <--closing square bracket here instead of curly
......Code here...
[/code}<----another closing square bracket.
Welcome to the wonderful world of GDK! Be prepared for some sleepless nights full of coding. If we can help with anything else, just post