I got this code from someone (sorry can't remember who)...
and I swapped the object with my terrain ( it was a .x file).
But when i go to run it, it open up a black, blank screen for a few seconds then closes and goes back to DBPro...
A little help would be much appreciated!
Heres the Code...
sync on
sync rate 30
hide mouse
autocam off
radius# = 7.0
gravity# = -0.1
slope# = 0.5
ground = 1
jumptimer = 0
gosub makeLevel
gosub makePlayer
gosub MovePlayer
rem change view
if inkey$()="v" and vtimer<timer() then vtimer = timer()+300 : view = 1-view
text 0,20,"x rot: "+str$(object angle x(2))
text 0,40,"y rot: "+str$(object angle y(2))
text 0,60,"z rot: "+str$(object angle z(2))
text 0,80,"FPS: "+str$(screen fps())
text 0,100,"Touching Ground: "+str$(ground)
text 0,120,"x = "+str$(object position x(2))
text 0,140,"y = "+str$(object position y(2))
text 0,160,"z = "+str$(object position z(2))
if inkey$() = "q" then end
if shiftkey() = 1 then position object 2,0,50,0
load object "terrain_1\terrain.x", 1
sc_setupComplexobject 1,1,2
make object sphere 2,radius#*2
position object 2,0,50,0
sc_setupObject 2,0,1
rem rotate player with mouse
yrotate object 2,object angle y(2)+mousemovex()/3.0
xrotate object 2,object angle x(2)+mousemovey()/3.0
oldx# = object position x(2)
oldy# = object position y(2)
oldz# = object position z(2)
rem apply gravity, and user changes to movement
angy# = object angle y(2)
vx# = 0
vz# = 0
if vy#=0 and jumptimer=0 then vy# = vy# + 10*gravity# else vy# = vy# + gravity#
if keystate(32)=1 then vx# = vx# + cos(angy#) : vz# = vz# - sin(angy#)
if keystate(30)=1 then vx# = vx# - cos(angy#) : vz# = vz# + sin(angy#)
if keystate(31)=1 then vx# = vx# - sin(angy#) : vz# = vz# - cos(angy#)
if keystate(17)=1 then vx# = vx# + sin(angy#) : vz# = vz# + cos(angy#)
rem only jump if on ground, and a certain time after last jump
if ground=1
if spacekey()=1 and jumptimer=0 then vy# = vy# + 3.0 : jumptimer = 20
x# = oldx#+vx#
y# = oldy#+vy#
z# = oldz#+vz#
collide = sc_SphereCastGroup(1,oldx#,oldy#,oldz#,oldx#,oldy#+vy#,oldz#,radius#,0)
if collide>0
ny# = sc_getCollisionNormalY()
if abs(ny#)>slope#
rem FLAT, stick
oldy# = sc_getStaticCollisionY()
rem STEEP, slide
x# = x# - oldx# : z# = z# - oldz#
oldx# = sc_getCollisionSlideX()
oldy# = sc_getCollisionSlideY()
oldz# = sc_getCollisionSlideZ()
x# = x# + oldx# : z# = z# + oldz#
if ny#>slope#
rem only on ground if standing on flat ground
ground = 1
vy# = 0
ground = 0
rem if player has hit a flat ceiling then stop vy# movement
if ny#<-slope# then vy# = gravity#
rem nothing below player, not on ground, add vertical speed to player
oldy# = oldy# + vy#
ground = 0
if ground = 1 and jumptimer>0 then dec jumptimer
collide = sc_SphereSlideGroup(1,oldx#,oldy#,oldz#,x#,oldy#,z#,radius#,0)
if collide>0
rem if hit, reposition player, halt movement vector
x# = sc_getCollisionSlideX()
oldy# = sc_getCollisionSlideY()
z# = sc_getCollisionSlideZ()
vx# = 0
vz# = 0
rem position the player
position object 2,x#,oldy#,z#
sc_updateObject 2
function positionCameraToObject(obj,thirdPerson)
position camera object position x(2),object position y(2),object position z(2)
rotate camera object angle x(2),object angle y(2),object angle z(2)
if thirdPerson=1
pitch camera down 10
move camera -30
if memblock exist(1) then delete memblock 1