Q. How does it compare in terms of speed against DarkGDK?
A. The DarkGDK will always be faster than the .NET equivalent. The DarkGDK.NET toolkit uses the C++ version as the basis for it's wrappers, and therefore will have a falloff due to the extra call into the library. .NET itself is a very efficient language though and on modern systems, .NET and typically, XNA based applications run almost as fast as the C++ native builds.
Q. What are the advantages of DarkGDK.NET over XNA?
A. XNA is basically CSharp with the DirectX inteface embedded using classes for simplifying the development of games and applications for the XBox (and PC) platform. You will definately find DarkGDK.NET easier to learn and program than XNA. Plus using Visual Basic.NET makes an easier learning curve as a language itself. Either way, unless you've programmed using CSharp and XNA before, you may find it easier to start with VB and DarkGDK.NET. I'm sure there will be people who will disagree with me, but isn't there aleays
Q. Can multi- threading be used? say 1 for render and another for AI
A. Multithreading is supported in general under .NET but I cannot assure you on whether the internal engine code of DarkGDK is thread safe. I have seen other people's example programs that used multithreading in .NET, and they functioned just fine. There were some small issues with sharing control code across thread boundaries, but normally the .NET controls provide events for handling this. And if you're using calls into things like Loading object data etc, just place these calls into a mutex to protect the internal engine code from being fragged by other thread processes.
Hope this information helps.