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Shadow Blade
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Posted: 6th Jan 2009 19:58 Edited at: 10th Jan 2009 09:40


Well I haven't touched FPS Creator for a while and I decided to pick it up again recentley, I've started the creation of a horror game (not a zombie game for once, though it does contain zombie like demons ). The Game is currentley in it's early stages of production but I have a fair amount to show, expect a demo in the next couple of weeks and possibly a video too.

The Game is horror, which FPSC seems to do fairly well so I decided to stick to FPSC's and my strengths in game creating.


The story is about "The Gates", these are supernaturel links between our world and another hellish world, filled with demons and pure evil.

You play a young police officer (Jack), who was brought up in a small town (location yet to be decided ), he took a vacation from his job to visit his friends and family. While there he hears a local rumor about a house on top of the hill. That a man went mad there and nobody knew why. Unfortuantly Curiosity took the better of the Jack and he went to the house, he wasn't give a walm welcome. And what he found there would ruin, twist and torment his very being...

Can you survive the world on the other side of the gate?

Screens - Scroll down for newer and updated screens

The house on the top of the hill..

Please note that these are only early images and are subject to change. And also you can expect more soon

Please give any comment/crit you feel is needed. I will gladly recive and reply to all.

Cheers, Shadow Blade

Braden 713
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Posted: 7th Jan 2009 02:50
Games looking and sounding fantastic so far Shadow Blade!
Really good start man, can't wait for demo

Hope to see more soon, great work so far!

Shadow Blade
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Posted: 7th Jan 2009 08:58
@Braden 713, thanks alot man! I plan to revisit that level tonight and incorprate some of Creator of Zombie's Light codes to add atmosphere. Then I need to start building the world beyond the gate. I'll make sure I keep you updated and expect a demo within a week or so. Once again thanks for the comment. You don't know just how encouraging and motivating they are.

Cheers, Shadow Blade

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Butt monkey
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Posted: 7th Jan 2009 15:48
I know it's early days but I'd mabye change the font of the note and add some ink blots, damp patches etc. If he's going insane then I don't think his writing would be so tidy
Shadow Blade
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Posted: 7th Jan 2009 16:22
@Butt monkey yeah I'll look into that one day, thanks for the comment.

There's no I in Team but there is an I in Pie! And Meat is anagram of Team, and Meat Pie is a kind of Pie! - Shaun of The Dead
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Posted: 7th Jan 2009 18:34
looks good nice work!


Me = noob

and i love The TGC : )
Shadow Blade
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Posted: 7th Jan 2009 18:50
@ Pain Thanks!

and cause I like you guys heres some more screens, newly updated with CoZ's light Hex Codes and Lightmap quality gone up to 35.
Open to comments/crits as always

There's no I in Team but there is an I in Pie! And Meat is anagram of Team, and Meat Pie is a kind of Pie! - Shaun of The Dead
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Posted: 7th Jan 2009 19:38
Quote: "I know it's early days but I'd mabye change the font of the note and add some ink blots, damp patches etc. If he's going insane then I don't think his writing would be so tidy."

What I would do is write the note out on a blank piece of A4 paper and scan it in, you get the 'handwritten' style and you can easily change the background after you've scanned it in.

Shadow Blade
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Posted: 7th Jan 2009 20:10
@ Nickydude hmmm good suggestion I may just do that! Thanks!

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Posted: 7th Jan 2009 22:11
That's what I'm here for.

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Posted: 7th Jan 2009 23:10
I was just gonna say that until I saw Nicky's post. Shoot!

This game looks good, dark, but good. Nice shadowing.

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Posted: 8th Jan 2009 03:15
looking good, looking good!

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Shadow Blade
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Posted: 8th Jan 2009 08:50
@American Infantry: Thanks man!
@Quik: Thanks

I have to go to school now but I'll work on it some more when I get back, thanks for the support guys.

Cheers, Shadow Blade

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Posted: 8th Jan 2009 19:32
Right only one pic today, and tbh I dont like it. It's only a WIP but its the entrance to the Gate. The cogs are to open it. I'm not happy bout the blood and the massive shadow, Ill probably just have to delete it. Anyway its a screen and comments are aprrieciated non the less .

Thats this level pretty much done, however it is REALLY short, Ill make up for that soon. Make sure you can stomach whats coming next . The world beyond the gate is gonna be wierd and twisted, also it takes things out of the characters mind and twists them. Such as the police station he works in but full of demons .etc

Anyway get ready for more...

Braden 713
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Posted: 8th Jan 2009 20:07 Edited at: 8th Jan 2009 20:08
New screens look great man!
Yes unfortunately I run into the same problem with overlays myself.
With the large square patch of dark shadow beneath them, if anyone knows how to fix that, or at least reduce it, would be greatly appreciated.
But I digress, the games looking great so far. And don't worry man, games shouldn't be judged on length of level, but quality and experience. Also FPS rate. By the way what is the rate in-game? 0.o

Looks spooky, hope to see beyond the gate soon
Shadow Blade
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Posted: 8th Jan 2009 20:16
@Braden 713: Thanks! I should to get more done soon (weekend soone!

In most parts it's 20-max but in parts with chars, such as in the hallway it drops to about 17. Probably just my crap rig. If I were to run it on the top end computer (Vista 2gb ram, Nvidia 8600 256mb and 1.8ghz dual core processor) I'd probably get a clean 30 odd fps throughout the level.

My cureent rig:
ATI Radeon 1400(or something) 512 mb
512 ram (most likley the cause of the drop in framerate)
AMD Athlon 2600+ (2.08GHz)

Oh and I'm pretty much hovering the thread waiting for reviews lol.

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Posted: 8th Jan 2009 20:51
Quote: "Yes unfortunately I run into the same problem with overlays myself.
With the large square patch of dark shadow beneath them"

Overlays are a flat square plane with a transparent texture.
In quick lightmapping mode, this produces the big square shadow.
In full lightmapping mode, this will produce a neater shadow.
And if you want rid of the shadow completely, make the blood dynamic and immobile.


Shadow Blade
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Posted: 8th Jan 2009 21:23
Quote: "Overlays are a flat square plane with a transparent texture.
In quick lightmapping mode, this produces the big square shadow.
In full lightmapping mode, this will produce a neater shadow.
And if you want rid of the shadow completely, make the blood dynamic and immobile.


Alright cool thanks, I'll probably do that. And when I come to building the game I'll put lightmaps to full.

Shadow Blade
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Posted: 9th Jan 2009 19:16 Edited at: 9th Jan 2009 19:16
Well, I've re-done the note (hand written it as Nickydude suggested), it sounds more madmanish and is generally alot messier. Also there are going to be certain notes and documents you can find in the game, you don't HAVE to find them but they explain about the gate and stuff so you may find you want to find them all. This will hopefully add some replay value aswell.

Well here is the note:


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Posted: 9th Jan 2009 20:17
"...I escaped barley..."

Lol! I escaped the dreaded cereal killer!

It's "barely".

Shadow Blade
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Posted: 9th Jan 2009 20:26
oh well, he's insane he's bound to make SOME mistakes

plus I can't be bothered doing it again

Braden 713
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Posted: 10th Jan 2009 01:24
@ Paul

Thank you so much man! Confused me for so long

@Shadow Blade

Yeah with a top computer the frame rate should be great,
Although I don't want to make it out like I completely 100% know what I'm talking about with computers, hah, but I would imagine it would be good

BTW note looks good, keep it up!
Shadow Blade
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Posted: 10th Jan 2009 09:39
Quote: "BTW note looks good, keep it up! "

Yeah, it just goes to show how messy my hand writing is

Darth Kiwi
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Posted: 10th Jan 2009 17:01
Ooh, nice. The handwritten note is an excellent touch. I think the level design is really good, too: it kind of reminds me of the mansion from Call of Cthulhu: DCotE.

A few suggestions: the gun looks a bit too up-to-date and the gloved hands make me think he's from a SWAT team, which might lessen the tension a bit. I suggest retexturing the hands so they're just skin.

Also, the door to the gate (the sci-fi one) has been used in so many FPSC games that I just go blaaah! whenever I see it. Would it be possible to retexture that as well, or maybe even get a new model?

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Shadow Blade
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Posted: 10th Jan 2009 18:03
@Darth Kiwi - Thanks for the comment man.

Quote: "A few suggestions: the gun looks a bit too up-to-date and the gloved hands make me think he's from a SWAT team, which might lessen the tension a bit. I suggest retexturing the hands so they're just skin.

I'm afraid I can't retexture it cause the glove is built into the mesh. I will look into it though, the plan for the rest of the game is not to use guns but to use melee weapons such as swords .etc, I was thinking mabye a retextured version of the mp9 katana.

Quote: "Also, the door to the gate (the sci-fi one) has been used in so many FPSC games that I just go blaaah! whenever I see it. Would it be possible to retexture that as well, or maybe even get a new model?"

As I have said, It was just a WIP and tbh I'm not too happy with it. But yeah I'll probably change it someday. What made me choose that door was the fact that is open vertically and fits with the cogs.

Anyway thanks for the suggestions.

Cheers, Shadow Blade

General powell11
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Posted: 11th Jan 2009 06:53
the last actual screan other than the note looks like F.E.A.R. this game looks insane! great job

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Shadow Blade
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Posted: 11th Jan 2009 09:38 Edited at: 11th Jan 2009 09:38
@General Powell11 - Thanks man! Though I've never played F.E.A.R, I'm sure thats a compliment .

To everyone, I'm sorry, despite it being the weekend I've done nothing. However I have come up with some ideas. Extract from "Chronicles of The Gate":

The world beyond The Gate is often refered to as "The Other Side". Not much is known about The Other Side except that it has very little plains of it's own. Most of it's lands are adapted to the one who has entered The Gate. It will take scenes they have seen in their life and try to drive them mad with it. No one noes the purpose of The Other Side, some people say it is hell itself. This however is not true. The Gate and The Other Side are controlled by "The Master" or more commonly known as "The Gate Keeper". Not much is known about him, but it's said that the power can be passed on...

I'm thinking of a way to include extracts like this in the game, mabye in the load screen? Any suggestions would be aprieciated guys, and thanks for the support so far

Cheers, Shadow Blade

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Posted: 11th Jan 2009 18:44 Edited at: 11th Jan 2009 18:45
Shadow Blade, had a go at rewriting the Extract, don't know what you think but I thought I'd have a go.

Very little is known what lies beyond The Gate. It is rumored that The Other Side adapts itself to whoever enters, feeding of their psyche, driving them mad. No one knows the purpose of The Other Side, some say it's hell, other's say it's much, much worse. It is known however, that there is a Gate Keeper, his origins are unknown but the power of The Gate is in his possession...

and that power can be passed on...

Shadow Blade
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Posted: 11th Jan 2009 19:04
Okay cheers Nickydude, sounds a lot better than mine. For this and the note suggestion, you've earned yourself a nice place in the credits . Thanks alot man, I really do apprieciate your help.

I've decided I will put these short extracts in the loading screens. Also here's how the games gonna be set out.

Entry Cut Scene (explaining story line)

Short Prelude Level (entering The Gate and surfacing on The Other Side"

The Mind Chambers (a few levels (probably 3-4 of scenes from Jack's life but hellish and messed up, child hood nightmares and such.)

The Halls of Blood (a few levels of The Other Side's actual lands, mostly not reached because most are drived to suicide after The Mind Chambers.)

The Chambers of The Gate Keeper (a level and than a final boss level - you won't believe how it ends )

So I'm hoping for about 7-8 levels in total, which is pretty short but meh, I'm going for quality not quantity . Soon I will clean up the first thread and add all this new info + replace screens.

Thanks for all the comments and suggestions so far. Keep 'em coming .

Expect more soon.

Cheers, Shadow Blade

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