Well, this is the basic idea for adding a sound. You just need to find a better and suitable sound to use and your own way to play the sound only when the v value is <> the previous OLDv value
Sync On : Sync Rate 60
Load music "http://www.soundjay.com/communication/typewriter-2.mp3", 1
`if not music playing(1) then loop music 1
a# = typeWriter("TESTING TYPE WRITER, DOES IT WORK?", 0, 20, 0.1, a#)
`b# = typeWriter("TESTING TYPE WRITER, DOES IT WORK?", 0, 40, 0.2, b#)
`c# = typeWriter("TESTING TYPE WRITER, DOES IT WORK?", 0, 60, 0.7, c#)
Function typeWriter(str As String, x, y, spd As Float, v As Float)
l = Len(str)
If Int(v) <= l
Inc v, spd
loop music 1
Text x, y, Left$(str, Int(v))
endFunction v
There is always one more imbecile than you counted on.