LOL - the chase Cam? Oh Yeah! It will go for a ride for sure... I'm not too too worried about it right now, as the amount of work already in that demo has been most ehaustive.
You'll notice too - peculiar wheel to other body interactions and some wierd sliding depnding on shock asorber position - and occasional "Sling-shot" anomalies that launch the vehicle for a wild trip airborne or a vehicular pong game LOL... But THIS is something I'm concerned with and have two more strategies planned to try.
First - the wheels are simply Graphical representations (they do roll visually though - but being a medialess demo - less one hardcoded bitmap with the ramp blue arrow, you might not have noticed). Basically they are a ray trace of sorts akin to sparky's ray casting or Ageia Physics Ray casting.
Actually having true wheels that are physical bodies is my next goal because I ran into a snag working with terrains where, for example, the 4x4 trucks suspension is high enough away from the vehicle physicsal body, that the wheel "sinks in the mud" while the basic, sport, and centipede cars have no problem flying over terrain. Now, physical objects do NOT fall through the terrain unless they hit it so hard it doesn't register or something. So I'd like to figure out a vehicle solution that uses the "motors" in the joints and works some how along those lines.
If the mechanical means is to much of a chore, I might try a sparky ray cast hybrid to see if there is anything I can do like that as a last resort.
I'm not worried though - I mean - It's definately come a long way since I started with this - and it's been pretty fun for the most part (some drudgery but I digress) ... and I'm overall pleased.
Thanx for the kind words Slayer93 - (cool Band