no what happens is when something collides with the ship it hides the ship sprite, displays an explosion and is supposed to play the sound. if i dont check if it exists before attempting to play it the explosion sprite wont display.if i put in the check it just doesnt play.
if (dbSpriteHit(3, 2) == 1)
if (dbSoundExist(10) == 1)
dbPlaySound( 10 );
dbSprite ( 7, shipx, shipy, 7 );
shipx = 1200;
collide = 1;
if ( dbSpriteY ( 2 ) > 1000 )
dbSprite ( 2, dbRnd ( 970 ), -dbRnd ( 1000 ), 2 );
if (collide == 1)
shipx = 450;
collide = 0;
Saving the world, one bit at a time.... Wait it's not worth saving. Get your own bits!