Hello, I'm creating small terrain sectors using advanced terrain, furthermore I apply Ageia physics (Dark Physics).
Now my problem is I need to free/destroy the terrain when the user go away from it. I tried several methods but everytime the program crash.
Can you help me?
This is the code I use to make a piece of my terrain:
dbLoadImage("t1_texture.bmp", textureId, 1)
dbSetTerrainHeightMap(terrainId, "test2\x1y0.bmp")
dbSetTerrainScale(terrainId, 50, 5, 50)
dbSetTerrainSplit(terrainId, 16)
dbSetTerrainTiling(terrainId, 2)
;dbSetTerrainLight(terrainId, 1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 0.78, 0.5)
dbSetTerrainTexture(terrainId, textureId, textureDetail)
dbPositionObject(terrainId, 255 * 50, 0, 0)