Thanks, but i'm still faced with the problem of the camera not continuously looking at the player object.
i tried this line:
dbSetCameraToFollow(dbObjectPositionX(1), dbObjectPositionY(1), dbObjectPositionZ(1), 0, 10, 10, 50, 0);
with syntax:
void dbSetCameraToFollow ( float fX, float fY, float fZ, float fAngle, float fDistance, float fHeight, float fSmooth, int iCollision )
this partially solved my problem, the player stays on screen
almost all the time, which is completely acceptible. However, the camera doesn't always remain behind the player, it stops while facing side-on or even front-on.
The ideal solution to my problem would have the camera tailing along behind the character with little freedom.
- JustSuds
C:\> If you're happy and you know it, syntax error!