here are somew that I found in the dll that may end up in thenext relase, eg there not suported yet.
phy set character controller extents id,value#,value#
phy set character controller sharpness id,value#
phy set character controller displacement id,value#
phy set rigid body terrain extent id
phy get rigid body dynamic(id)
phy set vehicle motor torque ID, wheel, value#
phy set vehicle wheel radius ID, wheel, value#
phy set vehicle suspension travel ID, wheel, value#
phy set vehicle longitudinal tire force function ID, wheel, extremum,slip#, extremum value#, asymptote slip#,asymptote value#, stiffness factor#
phy set vehicle lateral tire force function ID, wheel, extremum slip#,extremum value#, asymptote slip#,asymptote value#, stiffness factor#
phy set vehicle wheel flags ID, wheel, flags
phy set character controller min distance ID, distance#
Dark Physics makes any hot drink go cold.