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Dark Physics & Dark A.I. & Dark Dynamix / PhysX Vehicle Setup program (open source)

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Posted: 3rd Feb 2009 19:41 Edited at: 7th Oct 2010 13:46
Hi All,

I know some of you have tried the vehicle commands and may have crack it or if like me know some of it and working on knowing alot more.

So I thought I put the program together the should help in get the values required to fill in the commands.

Its set to work only with the beach.x file in the vehicle demos as away of seeing what does whats.

if you have another model give it a go and tell me what worked.

hope to have it later that you can use the over object click to find the values of width length and height.

so here it is give it a go.


Plus this code is for anyone to add some thing to it.

things to do.

1. get it to go back and load another Vehicle.
2. some way to adjust the chassis before jumping in.
3. some way to adjust the springs before jumping.
4. anything some else thinks suggest

edit updated. 1.024 ver

edit found a better file loader

open file code , if your not into spreate file then just stick this on the bottom of above code.

or just change file$="path of model" to save using the loader file system. should find this line near 100 to 110.

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Posted: 4th Feb 2009 12:59
Is this real`? I have to try this out!

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Posted: 5th Feb 2009 12:09
More updated verison in top post, now you can zoom in out, and move around model with keys or mouse, can show which object part you have clicked on.

plus found a better file loader.

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Posted: 6th Feb 2009 15:40
Update almost ready to output the values it makes.

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Posted: 8th Feb 2009 12:10
Think this might be near to fianl version, Unless some of you report back that it dose work your model for some reason.

so if you have a model with more that 10 limbs this is now in a moving list, press + or - will move you up and down the list plus a line will highlight and point to the limb in question. Alos there are some other keys AWSD [] that will move the object but stick with the mouse.

mouse controls are right click and you can move the camera around the object mouse wheel while right clicked will zoom in out.

Left mouse click will pick the object limb thats need to set up the wheels.

Last bit if you press the C key this will put this.

into the clipboard.

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Posted: 11th Feb 2009 13:53
Ok another update this time when you have pick all four wheels and press c is on the screen you can now press j to jump in and drive it.

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Posted: 12th Feb 2009 10:06
I will check it out when i have worked out the limbs on my wheel-tank.

Btw, could you tell me how i setup the limbs?

is it wheel*4 + hull?
Do they need any special setup or rotation?

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Posted: 12th Feb 2009 10:13 Edited at: 12th Feb 2009 15:30
Limbs in your model do not need to be in any order, the order comes in picking which wheel is the back r/l then the front r/l.

if you did not spot it, you can press the C key and this will have the commands filled in for a cut and paste in to your project, plus you can also press J to jump in and drive it around to check its going the right way.

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Posted: 12th Feb 2009 12:42
k, but for setting up the limbs on the mesh, i make a spherical limb on the parts?

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Posted: 12th Feb 2009 15:28 Edited at: 12th Feb 2009 15:29
I think the answer is yes, i have made one with a box as base then four spheres put in each corner with them all joined to the box.

If this was not your question please do expaned on what you are try to get across.

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Posted: 23rd Feb 2009 17:38
new update, better chassis box size and position, plus after picking 4 wheels, you need to pick a suspension position or chassis height.

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Posted: 24th Feb 2009 07:49 Edited at: 24th Feb 2009 07:56
I was thinking this morning about writing an in depth tutorial for vehicles. Mainly this would be a ground up project though. However I've never writen a tutorial before so not sure how I would do or even start one. I was thinking about creating a pickup truck for the project. And for the project I would hope to include the following.....modeling the truck with interior and doors that are animated, UV mapping and texturing, of course rigging and animating the models doors and hopefully some collision,(I've never done any collision animations yet and would like to make and attempt) and finally how to set it up for darkphysics.

I was going to up load some pics of a project that I started as part of an idea for this tutorial but I have just upgraded to a new pc that has VISTA and I don't know yet how to get past its security crap to upload pics to my photobucket account.

On another note I don't have a pdf writer or chm writer never used these before. So I guess for now I could start by taking notes in notepad and take lots of pics as i go.

Of course HowDo, I will make my own thread for this tutorial. I see you post alot on vehicles I just thought you might be interested. And If you have some pointers that you would like to add in, I'd be glad to hear your opinions.

(edit) I could post a pic of the truck I started, I just have to transfer it to my other pc first. ask if interested.
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Posted: 24th Feb 2009 11:19

Thanks for looking in hope you work out how to get pass vista childcare system.

For tutorial on making vehicles your going to be limiting it the package on which you know inside out unless you do it in truespace which any can get hold of.

you could learn html that free.

I started this project so it should be able to load anyone's vehicle in and allow the user to pick the wheels and suspension point and then fine tune it later in there code. A sort of quick get it going.

When I started doing vehicles like everyone else a box, four cylinders bit of code Eh! the front wheels spin inwards and the back steers what!?

Took some time but then I worked out there was placing order, there was a first wheel and last wheel do it in the right order and all started to work.

that it for now.

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Posted: 24th Feb 2009 19:26
Hey Howdo, I started writing the tutorial. And to clear things up I plan to use programs that are accessible to everyone. Truespace is my top choice sinse I already know how to use it. other editors i plan to use, include character fx, gimp2, and darkshader(not free but i plan to release the final with normal mapping applied to it). it'll be a fairly long project, and I think I found a nice approach to writing it. hopefully I will have enough done in the next couple days to start posting it. of course this will most likely be posted in the 3d section.

this program your writing is a good idea, it makes identifying the limbs much easier than the way I originally figured it out
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Posted: 24th Feb 2009 19:38
Up and writing well done

tatts did you ever find away to make truespace icons as drop down menus, as trying to remember icons that I cannot seem to guest what do, is aghhr.

On another note the fun you can have finding limb and putting the right names to them will drive you round the bend.

Look out for the other one I did in code snippets call limb viewer, it loads the object then puts a line to each part, so you can get a limb number quicker.

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Posted: 24th Feb 2009 22:20
I'm not really sure if you can make them as dropdown menus. i'm guessing not though. Myself I find the icon based style of this program so much easier than having to always browse through menus.

I'm very sure though, that by the time you finish this tutorial it will have explain well enough for anyone to understand its interface. I will be explaining it as if you've never used Truespace before.

I did however start on it but reallized all my pics were getting messed up, it seems everytime I use Print screen then paste in paint, the pic is doubled over....? So I'll have to start again this time I d/l MWSNAP that should work better for the screen shots.
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Posted: 2nd Mar 2009 06:34
On the iPod but I'll definately give this a bash tomorrow.

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Posted: 2nd Mar 2009 14:43
Oolite thanks for popping in to have a look.

After feed back on what user like, don't like, and suggestion on what to add.

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Posted: 2nd Mar 2009 18:18 Edited at: 2nd Mar 2009 18:29
Works very well mate, i like it. The UI is a bit messy though and i don't like the use of the arrowkeys for movement. Maybe have Ctrl+mousemove for rotating and the ability to zoom with the scroll wheel. Will make the selection of all the parts a little less tedious. The ability to hide a limb would also be nice, its not really necessary as its easy to select the limbs but if you have a more complex model and you can't really make out the limb points you could(for example) hide the body mesh.
It would be nice to have sliders for the different settings available to the car, such as the suspension settings etc.
EDIT: I see you mentioned this already.
I could help with creating some GUI but not implementing it because it would take me an age to do so and i'm not that of an experienced programmer.

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Posted: 2nd Mar 2009 18:28 Edited at: 2nd Mar 2009 18:30
code with both parts put together.

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Posted: 3rd Mar 2009 02:12 Edited at: 3rd Mar 2009 02:42
Ok I tried this little project of yours out and it looks good. I have set my vehicle up doing it the way i did it the first time for a car model. I have the body facing in the right direction, the two back wheels are set and the front as well. I can drive the truck away and all seemed to be fine until i saw the wheels.

their all spin in the wrong direction? rather than spin like a wheel normally would. it is spinning like you would spin a quarter on a table top? I can't seem to remember how I fixed this the first time. any ideas? i know i have the tires picked out right because the two front gets the extra angle to the spin when I turn the vehicle. their just spinning wrong.

The only difference I did was the first vehicle I tried I set up a skeleton to it. the truck I am using I did'nt but it seems that I don't need to cause darkphysics seems to recognize that my objects have limbs already whether I add a skeleton or not. So I am assuming that I did'nt need to set my first car up with a skeleton after all. Or do I?
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Posted: 3rd Mar 2009 07:13 Edited at: 3rd Mar 2009 07:42
Nevermind I figured out the problem, you do have to rig to a skeleton! once i did that, i had it figured out in about five minutes time. It turns out the first time I rigged the truck to a skeleton I accidentally assigned the tires to the bodys joint as well. that's a no no. So I redid it and it turned out fine.

I actually had to give this a go three times 1st with skeleton(rigged wrong) 2nd without and 3rd with (rigged right)

now what actually boggles me is, when I rigged my truck to a skeleton and used a code to check the limbs it came up with 6 limbs. when I had no skeleton it came up with 12 limbs.
but whether or not I had a skeleton, darkphysics will recognize objects having limbs and be somewhat usable like that? i had the truck driving in the right direction just the tires spun around the wrong axis. it was your program that picked up the limbs when i had no skeleton, which led me to trying it with darkphysics. Do you know how to set it up without actually assigning a skeleton to the model?

I gotta say... even though I used a code to get my limb numbers, I was just playing round with your program to see if it matches what i got. VERY NICE
the only thing im not to keen about is the color sceme. the grey lines from the limbs to the text, makes the viewing abit ugly. is it possible to perhaps change the background to maybe a light grey and rather than having the lines leading to the text. Maybe have a color sceme where you would have the two back limbs and the text in one color, the body and text another ect.... or have a colored bounding box around the text. just a thought but looks very good otherwise.
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Posted: 3rd Mar 2009 11:44
tatts not sure if you are cutting and pasting the code into your own code but the number you change is the one on the end of

setting the wheel direction its something I would like to put in soon however its working out how to put a curve arrow next to the wheel to show which way its going.

on the background your saying change the green to a grey if reading it right,or are you on about the text background.

As you've seen, its help get you somewhere a bit quicker, still working on how to make it go back, so that you can load another vehicle into try.

If you want post the rgb you like to see as background please do.

Do you think I should keep the suspension point pick in the code?


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Posted: 3rd Mar 2009 14:57 Edited at: 3rd Mar 2009 15:41
Without having a skeleton im not sure you can properly set the wheel direction, Even the buggy that they use for the demo has a skeleton rigged to it. I'm just not sure why there's a need for a skeleton rig when darkbasic seems to recognize that each object already has a limb. I think there has to be a way to set the tires so there is no need for the rig. And to answer your question...No changing the number on the end in this case does not work. the tire spins on the Y Axis rather than X or Z. in this case it is a matter of getting the tire to spin on the right axis.

yeah I just think the green background is an eyesore. I'd even prefer a white background.

I almost forgot,,,,The end number to determine the direction the wheel spins I've also noticed that, it depends on how the user rigs his vehicle. Because inorder for me to get all the wheels to spin in the right direction I had to set all the numbers to 0.

And before I forget again, When I tried your snippet i had an error. It had to do with the load object piece of code. So I had to load my object in before running the code.

And yes I do think this program can be useful.
yes keep the code for the suspension as well, You don't really need it still helps and really I think all vehicles should be set up for the nine limbs anyway. I mean im not sure I always want to be driving go-carts lol

personally though, I think you could do away with the 3d view. Really I think all you need is a top view sinse the limbs are best viewed that way. and rather than having the blue discription area on the side. get rid of that and use the upper part of the screen for your model and just have a short arrow and name tag next to each limb. I say get rid of the blue discrption box because I've noticed that when the model is loaded in, you already have the limb values displayed, so when the user does pick the wheel/limb it is only being highlighted and the values go from there to your code on the bottom. so just have the values go directly to the code. And number the code line according to to the nametag number next to your limbs in the diagram/model view.

Do you have BLUE GUI? if so maybe you could use that to load in your objects. may be so much easier when it comes time delete and reload another object.
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Posted: 3rd Mar 2009 17:52
tatts thanks for your feedback, you where saying that the wheels spin the wrong way, this has something to do with how you start making your model.

The code has a bit at the being that was to get around this but not having many models that are set up differently have not be able to set it up right.

This code tries to make it that after the model is loaded that you pick which part you see facing you on the screen, in the buggy you see the back, so pressing 1-4 should turn it your model around so that it start with the back facing you. plus you will need to rotate your model 90 degs when being use in your 3d world.

so do your models wheel axis sit on the X axis eg

wheel > []-------[] < - x

if I am right when you test your vehicle the back wheels spin into the body work, Yes. if so pick them the other way, or set your vehicles wheel to be on the X axis.

So it look like I need to add a user backgroung color picker or find one all ready done to do this (seen one anywhere).

Also remove the list and get the name tag on the model to change color to say you have picked it.

I put the limb lister in so the user could check that they have label the model parts correctly.

I have Blue GUI but do not know it very well.

right lets see if I can find that color picker.

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Posted: 3rd Mar 2009 18:33
how about this at the begin to pick your background color.

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Posted: 3rd Mar 2009 19:06
the wheels spin on the Y Axis, like spinning a coin on your table.

No it seems you can't set the wheel in any other way except to tell it too go fowards or backwards. and my truck is facing the exact way as the buggy, just checked. I'm pretty sure you need the skeleton when you load the truck in as a whole object. But im wondering if you loaded the body and wheels in seperately and added limbs too each one, then set it up somewhat the same as the newton physics? I will try it and see.

don't worry too much on that color picker, it's really not that big a deal.
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Posted: 3rd Mar 2009 19:10
are your wheel 3D or a plain, if there are plains then they will spin like they do.

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Posted: 3rd Mar 2009 20:28
Here's the truck go ahead and take a look at it. see if you can get it going.


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Posted: 3rd Mar 2009 21:47
Very nice truck I can see some time been spent doing it.

well done your truck found an error in my code

I can see why you are having problems.

Is there any way you might be able to move the center of the truck to the same positon that section_0 in now.

what I also see is no limb or object that makes a wheel or position for the center of a wheel for physX to connect to.

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Posted: 3rd Mar 2009 22:22
"what I also see is no limb or object that makes a wheel or position for the center of a wheel for physX to connect to."

Exactly, that's because that model has no skeleton, but if you load it into darkphysics, you can infact manipulate it.

Here's a truck that has the skeleton to it. for this truck i had to set the direction all to 0 to get the wheels to rotate in the right direction.


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Posted: 3rd Mar 2009 22:30
just been checking something in AC3D and I move my basic box with four cylinders from the center of the z x plane, the tank wheel move for turning left right but there no forward or backward movement its just sit there.

ok trying the other truck now.

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Posted: 3rd Mar 2009 22:48
code crashes when I use the other truck as it cannot work out the size of the wheels (0.0).

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Posted: 3rd Mar 2009 23:40 Edited at: 3rd Mar 2009 23:42
I did'nt even change the tire size in this demo code, But it works.

PHY SET VEHICLE WHEEL ROTATION 2, 9, 2 this is not needed in the code you could delete it but it does'nt affect anything anyway
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Posted: 6th Mar 2009 20:30

Happens when i tried it on my mustang.

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Posted: 6th Mar 2009 20:38
Maybe try converting your car to .x rather than .3ds, and give that a try.
@ Howdo, Did you try my code with the truck?
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Posted: 6th Mar 2009 20:44
Do you have dark basic classic? Can you make a quick 3ds2x converter for me? Theres a command that converts 3ds to x, its 3ds2x input,output i think

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Posted: 6th Mar 2009 20:58 Edited at: 6th Mar 2009 21:05
dark basic classic? Um I think you have the wrong language my friend. Is DarkPhysics even COMPATIBLE with db classic? I don't think so!

Well I do have db classic but it is not installed and im not sure how to convert using it any more as I don't use it at all.

But there are alot of freeware programs out there that will, Just to name a couple....Lithunwrap, Truespace, Blender, character fx..... these are all free and will do the job converting.

And actually, 3 of those programs you can rig your model with and just animate it if you can't use darkphysics.

(edit) However I forgot, Im not sure db classic even support skeletal animations either.
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Posted: 6th Mar 2009 21:28
@bergice looks like your wheel height is under zero

PHY ADD VEHICLE WHEEL 1,3, -1.80, 0.50, 1.63, 15.29, -1.00, 1, 1
change these to 1.00 in all four line for now.

will look into it, to see why it doing that if it is, are your vehicle wheel above the matrix plain when loaded.

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Posted: 6th Mar 2009 22:51
@ bergice ARE you using this with DB CLASSIC? Im just curious if it actually does work with it.
I don't see this Question even being asked anywhere. Do You know the answer to this howdo?

Ok Im officialy confused
I assumed that I need a skeleton rigged to my model for DP. the Reason I assumed this is because, If you load the buggy model into FRAGMOTION you can see a skeleton is setup to it. but then i exported the model to an obj and loaded it into character fx, but there was now skeleton...Might of been cause of the export. But then again How would they load into darkbasic if they had a skeleton. because the last I remember DB classic does not support skeletal animation.
Which would mean that the models do not infact need the skeleton?
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Posted: 6th Mar 2009 23:01

my very low tank I made in AC3D for you to try.

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Posted: 7th Mar 2009 00:00
Hey howdo, I loaded your tank! I also made a pic to show what i got. loaded into fragmotion, the top is the buggy then my truck which explains why I had to set my model to +90 degrees, and then your tank. Not sure if you added a skeleton but fragmotion seems to pick one up. Not very pretty looking though.
I got the same when I loaded your tank into your program, it made it very hard to tell what limb belonged to what.

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Posted: 7th Mar 2009 09:51
opps now I see whats wrong, forgot that I had offset the tank from the center of the AC3D xyz thats why the model all over the place.

try this one.

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Posted: 7th Mar 2009 17:47
Hi Howdo, That one looks much better. I havent tried it with DP yet will do that this afternoon. Did you rig this model?

I found today that .obj does not export skeletons from fragmotion.
well they don't show up in character fx. they do in fragmotion though.
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Posted: 8th Mar 2009 14:32

Thats how the wheels rotate now.

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Posted: 8th Mar 2009 17:13
bergice as far as you know are the wheels a soild type or are they plain.

from what I can see the wheels that are spinning have the values that should go to the front.

If you load the buggy in and click the front wheels then the back you should get the same results.

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Posted: 8th Mar 2009 18:22
Quote: "bergice as far as you know are the wheels a soild type or are they plain."

What do you mean?

I included the model, take a look at it.

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Posted: 8th Mar 2009 20:57
well I've tried using your model, tried moving the model to be above the plain grid, but when I do that all the limbs disappear, plus I don't know if my code finds a center for an object that is hollow.

if you know how to put a cylinder in the center of each wheel that will help, physX work like real objects , if your model was real then the wheels would not work.

if you look at the buggy all of it is connected to the route object.

hope this helps.

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Posted: 8th Mar 2009 20:58 Edited at: 8th Mar 2009 21:01
Hey bergice, I was playing around with your model, and here's what I found......
First did you use a torus for your tires?, second when I loaded your model into a couple programs,, One I noticed that your model is not even a solid Mesh, You have holes for where the windows should go. not sure if this would effect anything... BUT in anycase I exported the model to x and found that all your normals are facing the wrong way. I tried to fix this by flipping the poly's but it did'nt seem to work with the program I was using.

Another thing I have noticed is that your car is not even sitting in the proper position. it is sitting below the x plain of axis. the tires need to be sitting on top, just as if the plain of axis was a road. not to mention that the tires were not even in the right position to the vehicle. when I loaded the model, the tires were set back just abit. oh and the front ones were not even alligned to the back ones. By the looks of things your model need some work. And 3DS is NOT a good format to use with DBPro. Try and use .X or .DBO and for classic, Try to stick with .X
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Posted: 8th Mar 2009 21:36 Edited at: 8th Mar 2009 21:42
Ok,.....After abit of playing around I was able to fix the model and get it to work for me. What I did was, I used Truespace to reset your objects into the right position (coarse I had to unglue everything first). then I exported it out as .X which through TS turned out fine. then loaded it into fragmotion and saved out as a .obj, I used character fx to rig it with a skeleton. then changed the code a little to get it to work....

So far with character FX it seems that when you rig a car using it. the wheel values in your code all have to have the same number whether it be a 0 or a 1. Also it seems CFX rescales your objects when you export, not sure why this it yet,,,,so yeah your is just a little but it works.

other than that i got it to work fine for me.


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