Hi there! New to the forums and this game engine, so naturally I have a few questions. I do know some basics (like adding sprites to the screen, animating them, etc.) First, is there a way I can make a sprite rotate? Like a turret rotating towards the mouse. Second, what about buttons? I'm thinking of checking if the mouse is within the bounds of a button and returns true if the mouse is clicked, then runs a function, etc. Third, how can I get the mouse coordinates, check if the mouse is being clicked, etc. And finally, is there some sort of tutorial(s) (not the ones that come installed with the engine) that's sort of a database for all of the different functions/methods of doing different things. If anyone has been on Newgrounds and checked out AS Main, you'll know what I'm talking about.
Thanks for any help and/or replies, and any help is greatly appreciated!