G3D Studios are proud to announce the Game3D tools.
What is Game3D?
Game3D is a bundle of all game creation tools you need... make games with just a few clicks, easily import new media and most importantly have fun doing it. We are aiming for the most simple and most effective way for users to create games.
Who can use our products?
Our products can be used by anyone who wants to make a great game and has the will for creating their own games.
Our apps are simplified to the edge and the user doesn't have to know a single line of code but it still contains all the features users require.
-No coding required
-Realtime topdown and full 3D editor.
-Test your games with one press of a button!
-Easily import custom media.
-Constantly updated
-Hundreds of models pre-made so you dont have to get your hands dirty
-Most importantly have fun
The G3D tools range from 40$ to 50$ per tool. We're also packaging all the tools into one Game3D pack which you'll be able to buy at a 10% discount..
Need help?
If the G3D manual can't help, then the community can. Join the forums, post your question and our members and support will try to answer you as soon as possible.
Also our forums offer you a range of new media, games and you can suggest new features for the tools.
Game3D Tool List:
FPS3D: Create your own FPS games with physics and dynamic lighting.
RACE3D: Create your own racing game, development will start after FPS3D.
The Game3D Team:
G3D Creator & Programmer: knxrb
G3D Design Artist: chargerbandit
If you want to join the team then follow the instructions in the 'G3D Team Members' thread on the forums.
The forum is ready,and the website will be up and running very soon.
Check out the community forums for the latest development progress:
Topdown view of the editor:
Realtime 3D view of the editor:
Dynamic lighting system:
A.K.A. djmaster