Hello, I am not new to DB Pro but am new to the online aspect. I have tried FTP with limited success. I can connect and send a file to my web address but am a little stumped at the get command, the help text is not exactly very informative
Any ideas or any suggestions on the best way to go about this?
Oh btw, I am only interested in getting the info off the site, checking if local score beats the online one, updating online and displaying in game.
Here is the little test prog i have done to play about.
dim score$(10)
restore score
for n= 1 to 10
read a$
next n
save array "score", score$(0)
FTP CONNECT "ftp.myaddress.com","myuser.com", "password"
`FTP PUT FILE "score"
FTP GET FILE "score","c:ftp",1
for n= 1 to 10
read a$
next n
data "Davis","Stevens","Adams","Arnold","James","Johnson","Archer","Wiggin","Lewis","Edmonds"
The put code is remmed out as that worked, now just trying to get the get command to work.
Now sorted using FTP. Chnage the aboce code line
FTP GET FILE "score","c:ftp",1
FTP GET FILE "score","score"
Just for anyones ref in future lol.