im mostly getting my information from wikipeadia and alot of other websites that contain information on stars..
i try to find several pieces of the same information to try and backup the original information, but sometimes there just isnt any...
im planning on making 2 file types for this, one will store the information that is used for the stars and can be changed in the generator and the other will be a save file that contains all the generated output for 1 star and its planets, the question is - what sort of information would you people like to see in the save file??
so far i have
Quote: "
Type - eg O,B,A,F,G,K,M
SubType - 0-9
Class - luminosity class e.g V is main sequence
Color - seperated RGB values
SurfaceTemperature - in Kalvin
Mass - weight of the star
Radius - im sure you know
Circumference1 - same as above
Luminosity - brightness of the star
Flattening - how much percentage the equator has bulged outwards
RotSpeed1 - speed at which it rotates on its axis
RotPeriod - how many days it takes to rotate
if there is anything missing let me know, especially if you would like to use this file format...
p.s. i need a name for this and what should the file extensions be??