TGC Store - Genre Configuration Utility
What is it?
The TGC Store - Genre Configuration Utility (or "Store Sorter" for short) is an application designed to make it easier to find your freshly purchased game assets in FPS Creator by categorizing them based on genre, not artist. If you've ever spent more than a minute searching for one store asset - maximizing and minimizing different artists' categories - this tool is for you!
How does it work?
You simply provide your FPSC directory, and it automatically scans your "purchased" entity category for TGC store downloads. It populates a list, complete with icons and artist info, for you to browse. You then select an entity, choose a genre and sub-category (character, item, weapon etc) and hit transfer! It's as easy as that!
Now, when you open up FPS Creator, your entity will be under the genre you specified (with the prefix "store") rather than the artist's name! It may take a little work to set up ALL of your assets the first time, but subsequent times will be faster, as you don't have to redo previous entities.
Does it remove my original copies?
No. Versions 1.0 and 1.1 did, but as of 1.2+ this is no longer the case. In V1.2 your files were renamed for backup purposes, but in V1.3 they are now kept exactly as they were. In order to prevent them from popping up on the program's list again, however, a config file is added to your FPSC directory with a list of all transferred assets. The program sorts through this list to determine if an entity has already been transferred, and if so, does not show it to you.
This approach has been taken in order to avoid accidental data loss and to allow pre-existing levels to work properly.
What does it look like?
See for yourself!
Where can I get it?
Version 1.3 (Media Fire) (ZIP) Recommended
Version 1.1 (Forum) (Installer by AaronG)
Version 1.3
*No longer renames FPE's to FBK
*Adds transfered items to an exclusion list instead
*Above changes fix missing content error with pre-existing levels
*Added routine to automatically rename existing FBKs back to FPEs and add them to the exclusion list
*Fixed some minor bugs
Version 1.2
*Extended texture search routine to include _D/_D2 inconsistencies
*Extended texture search routine to grab _N and _S files
*Above changes fix shaders breaking
*Added disablelogo field to config; set to 1 to remove left-hand logo
*Above change allows for larger view of entity display
*No longer removes any original files
*Original FPE is renamed to FBK
*Above change is for backup purposes. Rename FBK back to FPE to restore functionality
*Added msvcp71.dll to archive
*Added Egyptian, Western, and Vintage Genres
Version 1.1
*No longer removes models/textures from purchased directory.
*Above is temporary fix for models that share textures
Does it support segments?
Currently no. Because of the way I set things up it will probably be easier to make a separate version for segments.
This application has not been tested under all conditions and may malfunction and possibly result in the loss of data. It is recommended that you backup your store purchases before using this application. Airslide Games is not liable for any damages or monetary loss.
Please let me know of any bugs. Comments & Crit welcome!