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Joined: 9th Sep 2002
Location: Western USA
Posted: 9th Sep 2002 16:46
i was working on a network server app using DB113,
it seems that the server does not reuse the Player ID
numbers when a player leaves a game, but just starts
another new number for the next player.

i'm going to try Free Net Player PlayerID and see
if that permits the number to be reused. How large does this number get to, or will it start over at 1 after
getting to 999,999 ? This is not a serious problem,
just a concern. If 20 people log in every hour with 3 attempts, thats only 1440 numbers per day so 999,999
should last for 700 days or so. I'm sure i could find some excuse to stop the program every month for Administration updates
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Joined: 9th Sep 2002
Location: Western USA
Posted: 9th Sep 2002 17:05
while i'm thinking on it..
any thoughts of support for matchmaking programs?

I know ICQ has a program that will place the ISP# into the command line before starting a game. Does MSN Messenger do that ?or AOL ?
I have been emailing GameSpy about this too, but they haven't returned my email yet. I think it would be cool to have a DB server somewhere that automaticly provides a match
making service for DB apps. But, barring that we are forced to locate public servers. At least with ICQ, you can start
a public chat room for match making, but not everyone will go there looking to play. The other meeting spot seems to be IRC but that room is reportedly quiet. I haven't been there either. And IRC doesn't have a program launcher app like ICQ does. Anybodyelse have some ideas on this?

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Joined: 4th Sep 2002
Location: United States
Posted: 9th Sep 2002 23:08
I think that dbpro will solve all our problems =) but we could put a time in the program that goes on the computers clock and resets every so often (is this what you meant???)....
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Joined: 4th Sep 2002
Location: United States
Posted: 9th Sep 2002 23:09
oh and norm... your avatar is scarry...

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