Yeah, had trouble working out the 100+ humidity in Dubai. Was normally around 50 degrees for a while, and 100andsomething humidity. And the locals (ish. the real locals live in immense rich places, but lots of Indian immigrants) wear vests under their shirts!!!! Apparently is good for soaking up sweat. Yuck. Used to like stepping out of the appartment (ACed of course) with totally wet hair and drying in like the 10secs it took to fall into the car. Then sweating like a pig, and drying out again in five mins. And the cycle continued...
Actually, due to the combination of extreme low crime rate (apparently is only behind Vatican City), extreme low petrol pricces, and extreme heat, the government actually advised to leave your car running with AC on when you had to quickly get something (from a shop for example). Class. If you turned off the engine and kept the AC going then the battery would be dead in 2 mins. But at a cost of around £5 ($8?) at the time to fill up an average sized car from empty, plus 50 degree heat, and everybody dying with the heat, then it made sense.
Heh, one thing that surpised me was the lack of insect noises. Expected something out of Tarzan. Cheep cheep etc. Tis nothing. Mainly because nothing can surive in the summer. Sizzle. Heh, at the time everyone (inc. my Dad who worked in S.Africa for a few years) pursuaded me to take a jacket as it is freezing in desert in the night. Took my big leather jacket with me and was wearing it when we landed at around 1am. Was bloody 38 degrees. Gits.
I am 99% probably lying in bed right now... so don't blame me for crappy typing