to control the movement, in your while( LoopGDK () ) you want to check to see if the user pushes a button. i would use something like this:
while ( LoopGDK ( ) )
dbMoveCameraUp(0,0.2); // You can change the 0.2 to whatever
if(dbDownKey()==1) // speed you want the camera to move.
dbMoveCameraDown(0,-0.2); // <--Make sure that you have the '-' sign
dbSync ( ); // so the camera goes down.
if you want it to go left or right, just change the up to right and the down to left. if you do that, be sure to take out the negative (if you dont, it will move the camera to the right)
let me know if you need anything! if i dont answer after a few days, try commenting on one of my threads and reminding me. i'll probably forget